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* Topic: Museums in Shanghai 5B Module4 Unit1 Museums By Ding Huijie Sanqiao Primary School Many, many museums in Shanghai. Art Museum, history museum. Science museum, insect museum. Some are old, some are new. Some are big, some are small. Learn about history, learn about art. Learn about science, learn about culture. Learn a lot in these museums. _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ -- What’s this? -- It’s the wheel of a train. -- Wow! So many butterflies and bees! -- Yes! There are a lot of ladybirds too. -- Amazing! This car has only three wheels! -- So many nice pictures. I like all the pictures here! -- Look! There are a lot of photos of old Shanghai. art museum insect museum history museum car museum railway museum Shanghai Science & Technology Museum the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum The Shanghai Science & Technology Museum is in Pudong. It is beside Century Park. It is very big. You can go there by Metro Line No.2. You can see many interesting things. You can learn a lot about science there. the Shanghai Science & Technology Museum science museum /'sai?ns/ Where is it? How is it? How can you go there? What can you see there? the first basement the first floor the second floor the third floor the Map the first floor ● Spectrum of life 生物万象 ● Earth exploration 地壳探秘 ● Light of wisdom 智慧之光 ● Cradle of design 设计师摇篮 ● Children’s rainbow land 彩虹儿童乐园 ● Animals’ world 动物世界 the second floor ● Home on Earth 地球家园 ● World of robots 机器人世界 ● Information era 信息时代 ● Spiders 蜘蛛展 The World of Robots the third floor ● Light of exploration 探索之光 ● Human and health 人与健康 ● Space navigation 宇航天地 the first basement Shanghai Science & Technology Museum Which hall do you like? I like the World of Robots. Because … The World of Robots The World of Robots The World of Robots do some exercise play chess shoot t


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