ASNZS 4680-2006 铁加工件热浸镀锌-中英文.docxVIP

ASNZS 4680-2006 铁加工件热浸镀锌-中英文.docx

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AS:NZS 4680-2006 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 40 Australian/New Zealand Standard TM 《澳大利亚/新西兰标准》 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on fabricated ferrous articles 《铁加工件热浸镀锌层》 This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee MT-009, Metal Finishing. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 3 August 2006 and on behalf of the Council of Standards New Zealand on 11 August 2006. 《澳大利亚/新西兰联合标准》是由 MT-009 金属表面处理联合技术委员会编制的。于 2006 年 8 月 3 日由澳大利亚标准代表委员会批准,于 2006 年 8 月 11 日由新西兰标准代表委员会批准。 This Standard was published on 30 August 2006. 本标准于 2006 年 8 月 30 日出版。 The following are represented on Committee MT-009: MT-009 委员会由以下单位参加: Australasian Institute of Metal Finishing 澳大利亚金属表面处理学会 Australian Aluminium Council 澳大利亚铝委员会 Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 澳大利亚工商业联合会 Australian Industry Group 澳大利亚工业团体 Australian Paint Manufacturers’ Federation 澳大利亚油漆制造商联合会 Bureau of Steel Manufacturers of Australia 澳大利亚钢铁制造局 Department of Defence 国防部 Galvanizers Association of Australia 澳大利亚电镀工协会 Institute of Materials Engineering 材料工程学会 Australasia Pacific Coilcoaters 大洋洲-太平洋油布制造商联合机构 Society of Automotive Engineers 汽车工程师学会 The Royal Australian Chemical Institute 澳大利亚皇家化学学会 Keeping Standards up-to-date 关于标准的更新 Standards are living documents which reflect progress in science, technology and systems. To maintain their currency, all Standards are periodically reviewed, and new editions are published. Between editions, amendments may be issued. Standards may also be withdrawn. It is important that readers assure themselves they are using a current Standard, which should include any amendments which may have been published since the Standard was purchased. 标准是应适时更新的文件体系,反映人们在科学、技术及系统方面取得的进步。为了保持标准的版本最 新,所有标准均需定期进行评审并出版新的版本。在刊印不同版本期间,可能还会发行标准的修正内容 。标准也可能会被取消。因此,读者使用的版本必须是最新版本,其中应包括在购买标准以来出版的所 有修正版本的内容。 Detailed information about joint Australian/New Zealand Standards can be found by visiting the Standards We


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