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Presentation by Ambrogio Bollini Slide 1 很高兴有机会在这里与各位见面,就我们共同关心的行业话题交换意见。 It is a great honor and great pleasure to meet all of you here today and have the possibility to exchange, once again, views on common business related matters Slide 2 在此,我希望与各位分享欧洲宏观经济概况、对应的物料搬运行业的情况和将要到来的一年的预期 What I would like to share with you today is an overview of the macro economical factors in EU and the relevant implication on material handling business as well as the expectations for the years to come. Slide 3 在我进一步开始之前,有必要很快的回顾一下欧洲的组成 从地理的角度看,欧洲由47个国家组成,其中的27个国家属于欧共体成员国,并且有16个国家采用欧元作为其交易货币(即所谓的欧元区)。屏幕上的地图代表了欧盟以及欧元区的国家成员 Before I go any further, it is useful to review quickly what Europe consists of From the geographical point of view Europe is composed of 47 Countries out of which 27 belong to the European Community and 16 have adopted Euro as a currency (the so called Eurozone) The map on the screen presents an overview of the Countries members of European Community and Eurozone Slide 4 要了解我们欧洲现在所处的位置,最好的开始,就是去分析过去几年的经济发展以及预测接下来一段时期GDP的增长 根据国际货币基金组织最新的世界经济概况,全球经济恢复的进程比预期的更快,但速度很不相同 (大多数经济发达国家较慢,一些新兴经济体以及发展中国家增速较快) 预计4%的增长率,由2%经济增长率的发达经济体以及6%经济增长率的新兴经济体组成 A good starting point to understand where we are heading here in Europe, is to analyze the economic development over the past years and the forecast for the coming years in terms of GDP Growth According to IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook update, the global recovery is proceeding better than expected but at varying speeds (slower in many “advanced” economies and faster in some “emerging” and developing economies) The forecasted 4% growth rate average, is composed by 2% in the “advanced” Economies and 6% in the “emerging” Economies. Slide 5 相比世界上其他的地区,欧洲的表现较弱,而中国则引领了经济的复苏,对过去几年的全球GDP增长作出了主要贡献 In this scenario, Europe’s performance remains weak compared in other parts of the world while China is leading the recovery, contributing mainly to this GDP trend in the past years Slide 6 对欧洲GDP的发展和预期的进一步调查结果显示,得益于全球贸易的反弹



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