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PAGE I 摘 要 照明行业拥有一个很广阔的市场,然而竞争也是极其激烈的,国外的各大公司如GE、OSRAM和PHILIPS与国内企业都各显其能,使市场的竞争更加激烈,一时间烽烟四起。德肯照明公司在各种竞争压力的情况下,选择了革新营销策略的方式,积极应对市场的各种挑战。通过外部环境的分析,找到企业发展的机会和威胁。同时充分了解企业内部环境,包括企业的资源和企业的能力两个方面。全面分析行业现状和消费者需求特点以后,公司发现了营销策略上的问题。在对问题的探讨研究中,以市场营销及战略管理的基本理论、基本方法为主要理论依据,应用理论与实际相结合的方法,提出了德肯照明公司在产品、渠道、价格等方面的市场营销组合策略。研究结果不仅为德肯照明公司的进一步发展提供了有益帮助,也对照明行业的其他公司营销策略的制定、提高营销管理水平有一定的参考价值。 关键词:德肯照明公司,营销策略,营销组合 湖南工业大学本科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE II PAGE III ABSTRACT Illumination industry has extensively but also very tough competitive market, foreign famous lighting enterprises such as GE, OSRAM and PHILIPS together with domestic manufactories made the competition deathly drastic. Under this pressure,Dicken Lighting Co.,Ltd need to reform the marketing strategies to reply the various challenges of the market. They study exterior environment as well as internal circumstances including the resources and ability of the enterprises so that they can find out the opportunities and threats that the enterprise meets, along with the advantages and disadvantages to it. They also analyze present situation of illumination industry and characteristic of consumer demands. Only by this way they can find out the problems of the enterprise and resolve it. During the research they suggest united marketing strategies of the company in products, sales promotion and price according to the basic theory and methods of marketing and strategic management as well as the way of integrating theory with practice. So the result of the research not only offers help to Dicken Lighting Co.,Ltd’s further development, but also has some referential values in making the marketing strategies and improving the level of management for the other lighting enterprises. Keywords:Dicken lighting co.,ltd,marketing strategy,marketing mix PAGE IV 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 一 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc169693290 \h 1 二 照明行业及德肯照明公司概况 PAGEREF _Toc169693297 \h 4 (一)照明行业的市场状况 PAGEREF _Toc169693298 \h 4 (二) 照明产品的需求特点及趋势 PAGEREF _Toc169693299 \h 5 1 照明产品消费特点 PA


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