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CGMA全球管理会计2017年度中国大奖财界领袖申请表 CGMA Finance Leader of the Year 2017 Application Form 国际注册专业会计师协会 Association of International Certi?ed Professional Accountants上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路 国际注册专业会计师协会 Association of International Certi?ed Professional Accountants 上海市浦东新区陆家嘴环路 1233 号汇亚大厦 1508A,邮编 200120 1508A, Azia Center, 1233 Lujiazui Ring Road, Shanghai 200120 T. +86 (0)21W. HYPERLINK "/" F. +86 (0)21 HYPERLINK "/" E. HYPERLINK "mailto:info.china@" info.china@ HYPERLINK "/" This award goes to financial leaders based in China who have made a significant contribution to the success of their organization. 本奖授予在中国为组织的成功作出杰出贡献的财务领导者。 Their commitment and leadership may have moved their organisation from loss to pro?t or they may have steered their organization through challenging times. Their skill and dedication will have led to both strategic and ?nancial achievement, demonstrating the highest standards of management accounting. 他们对事业的专注与出众的领导力推动组织转亏为盈;或者他们在这充满挑战的时代带领企业克服艰难险阻,顺利前 行。他们的技能与奉献创造了战略和财务上的成就,同时也表现出了管理会计的最高标准。 Candidates must be Chief Financial Of?cers, Heads of Finance, or equivalent financial management position and to have been in their current role for at least one year. They should also have been in the same industry sector for a minimum of three years. 参选人必须现任首席财务官、财务总监或其他财务管理岗位,并且在目前职位上任职超过一年,此外在同一行业至少有三年以上的就职经验。 The judges will be looking for a combination of professional and personal qualities together with a record of outstanding achievement. 评委会将综合考评其专业能力与个人素质,并对照其杰出成就进行评定。 Application form 申请表 Your name 姓 名 Date of Birth 出生年月 Company name 所服务公司 Your job title 职 位 Note: Each written answer should be completed in no more than approximately 400 words in English and Chinese respectively. 注意:以下每个问题的回答请控制在 400 字以内 (须以中英文双语回答) Please provide details of how you acted as a business partner to inspire and guide your organisation to greater heights of growth, ?nancial achievement and recognition; 请详细说明作为一位商业合作伙伴,你是如何激励并指导组织在业务增长、财务成就与以及企业知名度等方面更


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