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第 第 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 页 共 NUMPAGES \* MERGEFORMAT 2 页 十大写作黄金句式 一、文章开头句式 1. When asked whether it is advisable to look for friends online, different people may have different things to say, but personally I don’t think it is wise to do so. 2. Here comes the question: should universities allow students to live off campus? My answer is positive, for indeed there are several advantages of off-campus living compared with dorm living. 3. Nowadays chatting online is growing in popularity among the youth.Some get fun; some get friends; some even get fame. However, we should not let these benefits blind us to the problems it may pose. 4. When my eyes caught this topic, my mind began its search for the most important one from many options such as honesty, creativity,fortitude, diligence, etc. Then the best choice—teamwork spirit—occurred to me. 5. The definition of education may vary from person to person. Some people consider education as going to schools or colleges, or as a means to secure good jobs, while others regard it as a life-long process. I agree with the latter viewpoint for the following reasons. 【扩展】The answer to…may vary from case to case. Some people…. while others… I agree with… 6. What if you needed to call someone abroad but were intimidated by the steep fees? What if you wanted to shop but got tired of searching and bargaining? What if you felt lonely at night but had no one to talk to? “Get online!”—this may be the first answer flashes through many youths’ mind: if a computer is at hand? And they have good reasons for that. 7. Competition and cooperation seem to be two apparent opposites,which people have to choose between: some claim that the former is more important than the latter, while others think the other way around.However, the contrast between the two is misleading and damaging, for in fact, one may enhance the other in the present-day society. 二、过渡概括句式 1. When it comes to the problem of homesickness, here are a few tips for freshmen. 【


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