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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 424 实战口语 美语情景对话 180期 第01期:我的父母 Jessica: OK, my mother and father. Let's see. My mom is three years older than my dad, and they are like night and day. My mom is 5 foot 4, on a good day, 5 foot 2, I think in real life, and she is very sweet and very nice, and very caring, and very cute, everybody tells her how young she looks, and how she resembles my sister, perhaps. My father is very much completely opposite that. He is a very big man, very loud, very funny, very boisterous. He makes friends no matter where he goes. For example, sometimes he goes to Florida and makes all sorts of good friends. He'll just go off. He's kind of a magnet to people, and so my parents are completely opposite, and they complement each other very well. My dad has a very good sense of humor. My mom is very gentle. Very nice. 好的,我的父母。我的母亲比我父亲大三岁,他们十分不同,就像白天和黑夜的区别一样。我母亲高5.4英尺,但我认为她的真实身高只有5.2英尺。她很亲切,和蔼,很会照顾人。她很可爱,所有人都跟她说她看上去很年轻,和我像姐妹花一样。我的父亲是完全相反的一个人。他个子很大,大嗓门,风趣,爱说话。他走到哪里都能交到朋友。例如,又一次他去了弗罗里达州就交到了各种各样的好朋友。他就是简单地去了,仿佛他对人有磁力一样。因此我的父母是完全相反的两个人,他们互补得很好。我父亲很幽默,我母亲温柔和善。 Todd: When is the last time you talked to you parents? 你上次和你父母谈话时什么时候? Jessica: I talked to them probably about two weeks ago. Yeah, everything is going well. 我上次和他们谈话是两周前。一切都进行得很顺利。 Todd: Are you going to see them soon? 你最近会去看他们吗? Jessica: I am going to go home after the holidays and we're going to have a Christmas kind of in January or February. Yeah, depending on when my brother can come in. 假期过后我会回家,我们会在一月或是二月再聚在一起庆祝圣诞节,具体要看我的兄弟什么时候回来。 Todd: OK. And who are you more like, your mother or your father? 好的。你的父母,你更喜欢谁? Jessica: I think I have traits of both, actually. I look more like my mother, except that I am about a foot taller. Yeah, I resemble my mom more. I think I have both of the characteristics of my mom and dad. 实际上,两个我都喜欢。我长得很像我母亲,虽然我比她高1英尺。是的,我像我母亲。但我兼有父母两个人的性格特征。 Todd: OK. Great. Thanks. 好的,谢谢。 第02期: 悉尼 Todd: OK, Ann, you spent quite a bit of time in Australia recently so why don't you talk about t


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