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生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学问邢台市第四病院罕见护理应急预案猪气喘病综合防制技术动物营养系列理想蛋白与氨基酸模式的研究进展皮肤病的诊断包括病史体格检查和必要的实验室检查我国有关食物添加剂营养强化剂食物新资本的治理律例与标准 北京师范大学出版社第十册 Unit 7 The mountain bike race 向阳中学:王会平 Unit 7 The mountain bike race What day is it today? 2. what’s the weather like today? How do you come to school? 4. Did you enter the mountain bike race? You must be more than 10 years old. You must have a good mountain bike. You must mail the entry form before Wednesday . You must check your bike. All competitors must read the sign. You have to wear helmet, knee and elbow pats. You have to wear cycling shoes . helmet elbow pads knee pads cycling shoes What else do you know about the bike? 1. brakes 2. seat 3. pump 4. tire 5. pedal 6. handlebars 7. helmet 8. knee pads 9. elbow pads 10. cycling shoes 车闸 座位 打气筒 轮胎 踏板 车把 护肘垫 护膝垫 自行车运动鞋 头盔 pump seat brakes pedal tire handlebars helmet 1 3 6 2 4 5 Use your brakes Don’t try to move Always check the tires Watch out for puddles You must read the rules. Never ride with a flat tire. Attentions You must check the tires. You must read the rules. You mustn’t ride with a flat tire. You must use your brakes. You must watch out for puddles. You mustn’t try to move. A short passage 随着我们一天天的长大,因此会有越来越多的同学骑自行车上学。为了做到高高兴兴来上学,平平安安回家去。那么我们在上下学的路上应该注意什么?如果自己或者同学遇到交通事故,我们又应该怎么做? Home work 1. Review the words of Unit 7. 2. Recite the attentions. 3. Write a short passage about the mountain bike rule. 生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学问邢台市第四病院罕见护理应急预案猪气喘病综合防制技术动物营养系列理想蛋白与氨基酸模式的研究进展皮肤病的诊断包括病史体格检查和必要的实验室检查我国有关食物添加剂营养强化剂食物新资本的治理律例与标准


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