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谈法律法规中指示语的翻译 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 作者:李楠 内容提要: 指示语是语用学的一个重要组成部分。话语和语境的联系就是通过指示语完成的。指示语是理解语言表达意思的关键。对法律法规中指示语的翻译是译者遇到的众多难题之一。两种语言的思维方式和思维角度不同,反映在语言形式上的指示语肯定有明显不同。译者在翻译过程中必须要做一些调整以保证交流得以顺利进行。本文从 ?ar?evi ? 关于 HYPERLINK javascript:; \t _self 法律翻译是一种交际行为的理论出发,结合杜金榜所提出的法律交流的三个原则,即:语言从法原则,存异求同原则,比照补足原则,分别从人称指示语、时间指示语、地点指示语、语篇指示语四个角度阐述了对法律法规中指示语的翻译方法。 关键词:法律交流原则; 指示语; 语言从法原则; 存异求同原则; 比照补足原则 Abstract|:As an important element of pragmatics, deixis plays the role of relating utterance with its context. Without deixis, it is almost impossible to understand the meaning of any stretch of language. In the translation of laws and regulations, one of the many problems facing translators is the translation of deixis. Due to the different mode of thinking, deixis used in different languages differ greatly. This paper, starting from ?ar?evi ? ’s theory that legal translation is a communicative act and under the guidance of the three legal exchange principles proposed by Du Jinbang, i.e. the principle of language deferring to law, the principle of tolerance for difference and pursuit of concord, and the principle of imitation and compliment, intends to search for the methods for translating deixis in legal text from the four aspects of person deixis, place deixis, time deixis, and discourse diexis. Keyword: principles of legal exchange; deixis; principle of language deferring to law; principle of tolerance for difference and pursuit of concord; principle of imitation and compliment 一、引 言 随着中外法律交流日益发展,中国法律翻译者的任务也越来越艰巨。法律翻译不仅涉及到文化、传统意识等其他类翻译都会涉及到的东西,还会涉及到法律观念、体系等因素。另外,法律汉语和 HYPERLINK javascript:; \t _self 法律英语都有各自的特点。法律翻译者遇到的众多问题之一就是法律法规中指示语的翻译。 指示语是用来连接话语和语境的。任何话语都是和特定语境相联系的,没有语境任何话语都不可能表达清楚,理解指示语所表达语言结构和语境之间的指示信息是理解话语意思的关键。指示语按照其指代性质可分为五大类:人称指示语( person deixis ),地点指示语 (place deixis) ,时间指示语 (time deixis) ,语篇指示语 (discourse deixis) 和社交指示语 (social deixis) 。 对指示语的翻译并不是简单的翻译出源语指示语所指的时间、空间和人称对象,而


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