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椎体 vertebral body 椎弓 vertebral arch 棘突 spinous process 横突 transverse process 关节突 articular process 横突孔 transverse foramen 寰椎 atlas 枢椎 axis 齿突 odontoid process (dens) 肋凹 costal fovea 横突肋凹 transverse costal fovea 岬 promontory 骶前孔 anterior sacral foramina 骶管裂孔 sacral hiatus 骶正中嵴 mediansacral crest 骶角 sacral cornu 胸骨 sternum 胸骨柄 Manubrium sterni 胸骨角 sternal angle 颈静脉切迹 jugular notch 胸骨体 body of sternum 剑突 xiphoid process 肋骨 costal bone 肋头 costal head 肋颈 costal neck 肋结节 costal tubercle 肋角 costal angle 肋体 shaft of rib 肋软骨 costal cartilage 下颌骨 mandible 下颌头 head of mandible 髁突 condylar process 冠突 coronoid process 下颌支 ranmus of mandible 下颌角 angle of mandible 下颌体 body of mandible 髁孔 mental foramen 下颌孔 mandibular foramen 鸡冠 crista galli 鞍背 dorsum sellae 眶上裂 supraorbital fissure 圆孔 foramen rotundum 卵圆孔 foramen ovale 棘孔 foramen spinosum 内耳门 internal acoustic pore 蝶骨小翼 lesser wing 视神经管 optical canal 垂体窝 hypophysial fossa 破裂孔 foramen lacerum 枕内隆突 internal occipital protuberance 乙状窦沟 sulcus for sigmoid sinus 横窦沟 sulcus for transverse sinus 茎突 styloid process 乳突 mastoid process 枕外隆突 external occipital protuberance 胸骨端 sternal end 肩峰端 acromial end 肩胛冈 spine of scapular 肩峰 acromion 喙突 coracoid process 下角 inferior angle 关节盂 glenoid cavity 盂上结节 supraglenoid tubercle 盂下结节 infraglenoid tubercle 肱骨头 head of Humerus 大结节 greater tubercle 小结节 lesser tubercle 外科颈 surgical neck 桡神经沟 sulcus for radial nerve 三角肌粗隆 deltoid tuberosity 肱骨滑车 trochlea of Humerus 外上髁 lateral epicondyle 内上髁 medial epicondyle 尺神经沟 sulcus for ulnar nerve 桡骨头 head of radius 桡骨粗隆 radial tuberosity 桡骨颈 neck of radius 桡骨茎突 styloid process 滑车切迹 trochlear notch 鹰嘴 olecranon 冠突 coronoid process 尺骨粗隆 ulnar tuberosity 尺骨头 head of ulna 尺骨茎突 styloid process 手舟骨 scaphoid bone 豌豆骨 pisifrom bone 钩骨 hamate bone 髂嵴 iliac crest 髂前上棘 anterior superior iliac spine 髂后上棘 posterior superior iliac spine 髂结节 tubercle of iliac crest 髂窝 iliac fossa 坐骨棘 ischial spine 坐骨结节 ischial tuberosity 耻骨结节 pubic tubercle 髋臼 acetabulum 股骨头 femoral hea


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