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3.(2014·南京四校阶段调研)Nowadays teenagers are not _______ to stand and appreciate works of art;they prefer to participate in them. A.content B.controversial C.confident D.absolute 解析:选A。句意:如今,青少年不满足于只是站着欣赏艺术作品;他们更喜欢参与到艺术作品中去。content “满足的,满意的”; controversial “有争议的”; confident“自信 的”; absolute “绝对的”。根据句意可知A项正确。 4.(2014·安徽六安模拟)If you had read the _____ carefully,some mistakes in the exam could have been avoided. A.introductions B.directions C.descriptions D.constructions 解析:选B。句意:如果仔细阅读说明,考试中的很多错误都可避免。introduction“介绍”;direction“要求;说明(书)”; description“描述”;construction“建设”。 根据句意可知B项正确。 5.I could not hear a word of their conversation because they were just ________. A.screaming B.whispering C.shouting D.swearing 解析:选B。句意:因为他们在悄悄地交谈,所以我不知道他们在说什么。scream“尖叫;呼啸”; whisper“耳语;密谈”;shout“呼喊;大声说”;swear“发誓,宣誓”。根据语境可知B项正确。 1.badly off 穷的;缺少的 (牛津)We aren’t too badly off but we can’t afford a house like that.  我们并不太穷,但我们负担不起那样的房子。 ①As far as I know,the school is rather badly off for equipment and books. 据我所知,这所学校相当缺乏设备和书籍。 ②We shouldn’t complain about being poor because many families ___________________.我们不应该抱怨我们太贫穷,因为有很多家庭比我们更穷。 ③She had lost her job. ________________________,she’d lost her house and her children,too. 她工作丢了,更糟糕的是,她的房子和孩子也没了。 are much worse off To make matters worse 2.pick out 挑出;辨别出 (教材P18)Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it were spaghetti. 然后他挑出鞋带来吃,像吃意大利面一样。 [一词多义] 写出下列句中pick out的含义 (1)(牛津)She was picked out from dozens of applicants for the job. _______ (2)The witness picked out the thief from a crowd of men. _________ (3)I finally picked out the meaning of the passage. ___________ 挑选 辨别出 领会;理解 pick up  拾起,捡起;收拾,整理;(偶然)学会;用车接某人;收听到;身体好转 pick one’s pocket 扒窃,掏包 ①He _____________________while he was away on a business trip in Paris. 他在巴黎出差时顺便学会了一些法语。 ②On the way home,he found his pocket picked. 在回家的路上,他发现他的口袋被扒窃了。 picked up some French Ⅰ.完成句子 1.(2014·咸宁市鄂南、鄂州高级中学高三联考)The mountain village ___________________


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