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基于NDVI昆明市2001―2015年植被覆盖变化趋势分析   摘要:基于地理空间数据云平台中的MODIS中国区域归一化植被指数(NDVI)产品MODND 1M合成产品遥感图像,本研究利用ArcGIS软件对获得的植被指数遥感图像进行植被覆盖数据截取和统计,得到昆明市2001―2015年每月的NDVI值,并利用一元线性趋势法对其年际、季节和月均变化情况进行了分析。结果显示,昆明市的年均NDVI值在2001―2015年间呈现上升态势,线性倾斜率为0.0036,表明在这15年间昆明市的植被覆盖率在缓慢地稳定增长。月均NDVI值1―4月逐渐降低,4月最低,线性倾斜率为0.54;之后开始逐渐上升,8月达到峰值,线性倾斜率为0.7169,之后呈波动下降趋势。总体来说,7―12月昆明市植被的NDVI值较高,线性倾斜率均超过0.64,这与昆明市7―10月为雨季有直接关系,说明植被指数的月变化趋势主要受降雨的影?。2001―2015年昆明市春季、秋季和冬季的NDVI值呈增长趋势,夏季处于负增长状况,说明昆明市15年间春、秋、冬三季植被覆盖度不断增加。   关键词:NDVI;植被覆盖;变化趋势;昆明市   中图分类号:S127文献标识号:A文章编号:1001-4942(2018)01-0107-04   Abstract Based on the synthetic remote sensing images of the MODND 1M as the MODIS product of China regional normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from the Cloud Platform of Geographical Spatial Data, in this study,we intercepted and counted the vegetation cover data from the gained remote sensing images using ArcGIS software, obtained the monthly NDVI values during 2001-2015 in Kunming, and then analyzed its annual, seasonal and monthly change by the method of monadic linear trend. The results showed that the annual average NDVI value in Kunming showed a trend of increasing from 2001 to 2015, and the linear inclination rate was 0.0036, which indicated that the vegetation cover rate in Kunming had increased steadily and slowly during the past 15 years. The monthly average NDVI value decreased from January to April with the linear inclination rate as 0.54, and the lowest one was in April;then it gradually increased and reached the peak in August, and the linear inclination rate was 0.7169;after that,it showed a fluctuation trend of decreasing. In general, the NDVI value was higher from July to December in Kunming, and the linear inclination rate was more than 0.64, which showed a direct relationship with the rainy season from July to October in Kunming. It indicated that the monthly change trend of vegetation index was mainly affected by rainfall. The NDVI value of Kunming spring, autumn and winter in 2001-2015 sh


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