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英语双关语的关联理论阐释 摘要:作为一种独特的语言现象,双关语以其模糊性,多义性和具有双重语境等独特之处,在交际中比其它修辞手法更加值得关注。关联理论认为交际是一种明示推理的过程,是听话者对说话者的意图进行识别的认知过程。采用关联理论对英语双关语进行分析,从而解释为什么发话者或受话者要使用双关语及如何间接表达其交际意图。在关联理论的框架下,本文对双关语做出尝试性阐释。 关联理论的主要概念:包括明示-推理模式、关联原则、语境效果及认知努力是本文分析需要运用的几个概念。本文对双关语作了关联理论框架下的语义解码和语用修辞功能的分析。认为双关语的理解可以说是听话者从最初认为不关联的话语中到最终找到关联的过程。要充分理解双关,一些信息对交际双方必须是互明的;关联理论的推理是一种填补语义表征和语境之间信息空白的搭桥的过程,其中关联原则起到了削弱或消除双关语固有的模糊性的作用。 关键词:关联理论 双关语解读 听话者 认知努力 语境效果 A Relevance-Theoretic Interpretation of English Puns Puns weigh more in communication than other figures of speech for its unique features: ambiguity, polysemy and adherence to double contexts. In the light of Relevance Theory (henceforth RT),this article devotes to interpret puns. Relevance Theory suggests that communication is a process of ostensive - inference , a cognitive process for the audience to identify the communicator’s intent . On the basis of Relevance Theory, why pun is used and how it is used to express the communicative intent are interpreted. We adopt several important notions in RT in this article: ostensive-inferential model, principle of relevance and processing effort and cognitive effect. This thesis analyzes puns semantically and rhetorically, from this procedure, we can know that puns interpretation is a process in which the hearer finds relevance in what seems irrelevant. For puns to be fully understood, some information should be mutually manifest to both sides of the communication. During this process, the principle of relevance can weaken or even eliminate the deliberate ambiguity of puns, which well justifies why it is possible for people to understand implicature. Key words: RT puns interpretation the hearer cognitive efforts contextual effects 话语交际是人类交际中最常见的形式,它以最简单的方式提供信息。但在日常会话中,人们常常不直接表达自己的思想,而是通过一些间接的方式表达,双关语就是其中之一。双关语的恰当使用可以使语言生动有趣,达到言此及彼的效果。对双关语的解释最初多采用Austin的言语行为理论和Grice的合作原则。后来关联理论对双关语的解释力得到广泛关注和承认。关联理论认为交际是一种明示推理的过程,是听话人对说话人意图进行识别的认知过程,它可以解释为什么说话人要使用以及如何使用双关语来间接表达其交际意图,和听话人如何可以领会这种意图。本文详细介绍了双关语这种语言现


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