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《大学体验英?语1》期末总复习? 一、单项选择题?(本题共60?个小题,每小题2分?) 1. When the passe?nger plan took ____, the air stew asked? us to faste?n the safe belt. A .up B .off C .on D .in 【答案】B 2. This ship is bound?ing _____? Shang?hai and due to reach? the desti?natio?n tomor?row. A .in B .for C .on D .out 【答案】B 3. If I _____?_you , I would? not promi?se him anyth?ing he wants? this time. A .be B .were C .was D .being? 【答案】B 4. Our coope?ratio?n is ___th?e basis? of mutua?l trust? and confi?dence?. A .on B .in C .for D .under? 【答案】A 5. Oxfor?d Unive?rsity? is ____o?ldest? unive?rsity? in Brita?in and one of the world?s most famou?s insti?tutio?ns of highe?r learn?ing. A .空 B .the C .a D .an 【答案】B 6. Rock music? usual?ly the young? peopl?e in most count?ries. A .aplli?es to B .appea?ls to C .amaze?s D .actre?ss 【答案】B 7. You can not find the John just ___na?me becau?se we have three? John worki?ng here. A .on B .for C .to D .by 【答案】D 8. The winte?r has gone so we put ___th?e thick? cloth?es. A .away B .up C .on D .in 【答案】A 9. He gave us a good of his exper?ience?. A .demon?strat?ion B .frequ?ency C .descr?iptio?n D .instr?uctio?n 【答案】C 10. The super?marke?t devel?oped rapid?ly under? his . A .admin?istra?tion B .sugge?stion? C .appro?ach D .appea?rance? 【答案】A 11. The World? Trade? Cente?r is often? calle?d a Build?ing becau?se it is made up of two ident?ical build?ings. A .Alike? B .Folk C .Twin D .forme?r 【答案】C 12. The medic?ine is harmf?ul so that pleas?e place? it ____t?he child?s reach?. A .withi?n B .for C .out of D .in 【答案】C 13. He enter?ed the class?room cheer?fully? , ____a? book in his hand. A .to carry? B .carry?ing C .carry? D .carri?ed 【答案】B 14. The tutor? sugge?sted that I ____s?ome artic?les on the issue? of world? peace?. A .to write? B .write? C .writi?ng D .have write? 【答案】B 15. If you had been with us , you ____o?ur excit?ement?. A .have under?stood? B .under?stood? C .will under?stand? D .would? have under?stood? 【答案】D 16. The rise of elect?ricit?y charg?e adds



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