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PAGE l 编号: 课 题:企业核心员工流失问题的 研 题目类型 ( A ) A:理论综述型 B:专题研究型 C:调查报告型 D:方案设计 题目来源 ( 2 ) (1) 与教师立项科研课题挂钩 (2)自选课题 摘 要 21世纪是一个知识经济与信息经济时代,随着国际市场的进一步开放及国内市场自由化程度的提高,国际企业以及国内企业间对资源的普遍共享,使得市场上对资源的竞争、特别是关键资源的竞争越发激烈。人力资源,特别是拥有企业关键知识和技能的企业核心员工成为了企业生存和发展的关键资源,作为企业核心竞争力的载体,他们成为了市场上企业争夺最为激的资源之一。然而当前市场上企业核心员工的流失已经成为一种普遍现象,由于他们的流失给企业造成的负面影响之深、之大已经不容置疑,他们的流失已经成为了困扰企业管理者尤其是人力资源管理者的一个亟待解决的问题。因此,分析核心员工流失对企业的影响,找出核心员工流失的原因,并针对企业可控的影响因素提出有效的对策,具有一定的实践意义。本文以企业核心员工的流失问题为研究对象,从核心员工的内涵及特征入手,在综合当前关于核心员工流失现象的相关资料及借鉴前人分析成果的基础之上,运用归纳分析法、多因素评估法以及文献综述法等方法着重对核心员工流失的一般原因及影响进行分析,最终的目的是希望在此基础上通过自己的专业知识提炼出企业避免核心员工流失的管理对策。由于本文着眼于广泛的企业,寻求它们之间核心员工流失问题的共性,因此本文得出的管理对策对绝大部分的企业管理者和人力资源工作者预防和减少核心员工的流失都有一定的借鉴和帮助作用。 关键词:核心员工;核心员工流失;流失原因;流失影响;流失对策 Abstract 21st century is the era of a knowledge-based economy and information economy, with the further opening of international markets and the increasing liberalization of domestic markets, international enterprises and domestic enterprises to resources universally shared, making the market competition for resources, in particular, is the key resources, competition heats up. Human resources, especially in business-critical knowledge and skills to become a core staff of business survival and development of key resources, as the core competitiveness of the carriers, they become the market enterprises for the most excited one of the resources. However, the current market core staff turnover has become a common phenomenon, due to the loss of their negative impact to the business of deep, large have no doubt that their loss has been a troubled enterprise managers, especially human resource management One of those problems to be solved. Therefore, the loss of key employees of the enterprise to identify the reasons for the loss of key employees, and controllable factors for the business and proposing effective measures, has some practical significance. In this paper, the loss of core staff for the study, staff from the core content and the sp


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