城乡统筹下新农村建设中的规划设计研究——“反规划”理论在乳山寨镇小安村的应用探讨-research on planning and design of new rural construction under urban - rural co - ordination —— discussion on the application of.docx

城乡统筹下新农村建设中的规划设计研究——“反规划”理论在乳山寨镇小安村的应用探讨-research on planning and design of new rural construction under urban - rural co - ordination —— discussion on the application of.docx

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城乡统筹下新农村建设中的规划设计研究——“反规划”理论在乳山寨镇小安村的应用探讨-research on planning and design of new rural construction under urban - rural co - ordination —— discussion on the application of

万方数据 万方数据 西北师范大学研究生学位论文作者信息 论文题目 姓 名 学 号 专业名称 答辩日期 联系电话 E_mail 通信地址(邮编): 备注: 摘要 十六届五中全会指出:“建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历 史任务”,其基本要求是“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民 主”。从实践层面上看,各地在城乡统筹背景下的新农村建设正在有条不紊地开 展着;在学术层面,温铁军、张建、赵之枫、韩伟强等也已进行过一些卓有成效 的理论或者案例研究。但是,利用新理论研究胶东沿海地区的具体案例,在业界 尚属空白。 文章在总结国内外新农村建设的理论与实践基础上,采用北京大学景观设计 学研究院俞孔坚教授提出的“反规划”理论作为总体指导思想,以胶东沿海某地 中心村为实践案例,对村庄现有景观资源各要素进行优化整合,重新构建村庄格 局之策略进行了分析和探讨。首先,文章尝试利用这一探讨性的方法论,创造更 加有利于村庄及周边村落居民生产、生活乃至农业、农村发展的新型景观。其次, 文章试图探讨新形势下新农村建设中规划设计的理想化模式,以此填补运用“反 规划”理论研究胶东沿海地区在新农村建设中规划设计的空白状态。 关键词: 新农村建设;城乡统筹;“反规划”理论;景观设计 I Abstract The fifth plenary session of the 16th cpc central committee pointed out: “Building a new socialist countryside is a major historic task in China's modernization process”. The basic requirement is “production development, well-off life, rural civilization, clean and tidy village, democratic management”. The new rural construction in the context of urban and rural areas is in good order and well arranged to carry out from the perspective of practice; Wen Tiejun, Zhang Jian, Zhao Zhifeng and Han Weiqiang also have done some very fruitful theoretical and case studies on the academic level. However, the specific cases of new theoretical research, is still blank in the industry. This paper is a discussion of the strategies of the optimization and integration of the various rural landscape resources and the ways to rebuild the village structure,based on a summary of the new countryside construction theories and practice at home and abroad,with the “Anti-planning”theory proposed by Yu- Kongjian,a professor at the school of landscape design,Beijing University as the guideline,and with the Jiaodong coastal area as a case in point.On the one hand, this paper attempts to use the discussion of methodology and create more new landscape for the village and surrounding villages residents production, life and agriculture and rural development. On the other hand, The paper tries to study the ideal model design and planning of new countryside



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