城郊乡村游憩地景观特色营造研究——以武汉市近郊区新农村规划为例-a study on the construction of landscape features of suburban rural recreational places —— a case study of wuhan's new rural planning.docx

城郊乡村游憩地景观特色营造研究——以武汉市近郊区新农村规划为例-a study on the construction of landscape features of suburban rural recreational places —— a case study of wuhan's new rural planning.docx

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城郊乡村游憩地景观特色营造研究——以武汉市近郊区新农村规划为例-a study on the construction of landscape features of suburban rural recreational places —— a case study of wuhan's new rural planning

摘 要 随着城市化进程的加快和乡村旅游的兴起,我国乡村景观发生着前所未有的变 化。如何保护乡村游憩地景观特色,充分挖掘景观的生态和文化价值,使其形成高 效、完整并具有传统特色的多功能的乡村地域,是 21 世纪乡村可持续发展的重要任 务之一,本文以城郊为研究范围,系统探讨了城郊乡村游憩地景观特色营造的方法 和模式。 乡村游憩地的发展不仅推动农村产业的多功能化,有利于乡村旅游的发展,还 能促进乡村环境整治,推动乡村景观风貌塑造,改善农村人居环境,提高生活品质。 乡村游憩地的建设推动城乡景观一体化整合,建立城乡经济系统,发挥合理的地域 功能,具有重要的意义。 论文的写作,结合作者参与武汉市黄陂区、东西湖区新农村规划及广东省惠州 市村镇规划指引、佛山“三旧”改造项目旧村居的研究等工程实践,采用理论和实 践相结合的研究方法,从定性和定量的角度系统地研究了乡村游憩地景观特色研究 的方法和模式。全文可分为三个部分: 第一部分 研究背景:阐述了研究背景和研究目的,总结了国内外乡村游憩地 景观特色既往研究,总结出乡村游憩地景观特色研究思路和实现途径。 第二部分 研究主体:在分析了城郊乡村游憩地景观特色研究的必要性的基础 上,重点从物质空间角度探讨了其景观特色研究方法和策略。第三章从主题策划、 系统梳理、节点提升三个层面探讨了乡村游憩地景观特色研究基本方法,第四章从 乡村游憩地景观构成探讨了景观特色营造策略。 第三部分 研究结论:根据以上研究成果,本文以武汉市郊区游憩地景观特色 研究为例,总结出五种特色营造模式。针对当前我国城郊乡村游憩地景观特色营造 存在的问题进行深刻反思,对其未来的发展予以展望。 关键词: 城郊 乡村游憩地 景观特色 Abstract With the acceleration of the urbanization process and the rise of rural tourism, China's rural landscape is undergoing unprecedented change. But how can we protect the character of rural open landscape? How can we fully exploit the values of the landscape ecological and cultural? How can we form a multi-functional rural region in possession of high efficient, complete and traditional culture? Those are the important tasks of sustainable rural development in the 21st century. This paper focuses on landscape of metropolitan suburbs and researches the methods and theory of constructing the features of rural open landscape in metropolitan suburbs. The development of rural landscape not only promote the multiple functions of agriculture and conduce to the development of rural tourism, but also promote the improvement of rural environment, shape the village culture character, and the rural environment and quality of life. It is significant to promote the integration of urban and rural landscapes, establish the urban and rural economic system, and play a reasonable geographic feature. In this paper, This paper Combined with the author taken part in the practice in Huangpi District, Wuhan City and East Lake new rural planning, and The engineering practice a



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