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摘 要 柠檬酸是一种重要的医药化工产品,世界年消耗量已达130万吨。最近几年由于中国柠檬酸生产工艺不断改进,产品质量持续提高,在国际上有很强的竞争力,已经成为全球最大的柠檬酸生产国和出口国,目前中国柠檬酸产能已达120多万吨,约占全球的60%。随着柠檬酸产业竞争压力增大,柠檬酸生产工艺的不断改进,生产柠檬酸的企业数量开始减少,企业的生产能力迅速扩大。小型的企业由于没有技术支撑,无法同大型企业相抗衡,在竞争中处于劣势。因此,对于较小的企业来说,改进生产工艺已经迫在眉睫。 本设计采用玉米原料通过液体深层好氧发酵,得到柠檬酸发酵液,再通过钙盐离子提取法提取柠檬酸,再经过精制工序得到无水柠檬酸。其中玉米的淀粉含量为65%,含水量在15%,蛋白质含量在8%左右,选用的菌种为黑曲霉Co827,国内比较流行用此种生产方法。 本设计为年产量15万吨的柠檬酸提取车间设计,在设计过程中,重点论证液化、发酵、提取、精制等工段的设计理论及技术要求,着重于各个车间的工艺计算及设备的选型。通过物料衡算、热量衡算,确定糖化车间、发酵车间、提取车间的主要的糖化罐、发酵罐、种子罐、中和罐、脱色柱、离交柱、蒸发器、结晶罐、离心机的型号,以及提取车间的车间布局。 关键词:柠檬酸 提取 车间布局 ABSTRACT Citric acid is a kind of important pharmaceutical chemical products, the world has reached 1.3 million tons in consumption.In recent years as China citric acid production process improvement, to continue to improve product quality, have in the world of strong competition force, has become the world's largest citric acid producer and exporter, China's current citric acid capacity has amounted to more than 120 tons, accounts for about 60% of the world.With citric acid industry competitive pressure, citric acid production process improvement, citric acid production enterprise number start to reduce, enterprise's production capacity rapidly expanding.Small enterprise with no technical support, can't compete with large enterprise, at a competitive disadvantage.So, for small enterprise that, improving production technology is imminent. This design USES the corn raw materials through the liquid oxygen deep good fermentation, get citric acid fermented liquid, again through the calcium salt ion extraction citric acid, and then after refining process get no water citric acid.One of the corn starch content is 65%, the water content at 15%, protein content of 8% or so, choose for Co827 aspergillus species, compared with the popular domestic production methods. This design for an annual production capacity of 150000 tons of citric acid extraction workshop design, in the design process, then the author liquefaction, fermentation, extr


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