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热现象中冷思考   摘 要:从理论和实践两个方面对大课间体育活动进行了审视。大课间体育活动是“课间活动”,应该以促使学生乐于参与、调节身心而不是以增强体质为首要目标。必须克服大课间体育活动中大型、豪华、表演化和形式化的倾向,切实加强大课间体育活动的实效性,更多地采用简便实用的活动形式。建议取消“大课间体育活动”这个在理论上缺乏依据、现实中越来越名不副实的名称和做法,更不宜强制要求在每天上午第2节课后进行越来越华而不实的大课间体育活动,回归“课间操”和“课外体育活动”这两个简洁明了的名称和切实可行的学校体育活动形式。在条件许可和时机成熟的情况下,逐步在小学和初中阶段实行每周上5节体育课。   关 键 词:学校体育;大课间体育活动;中小学   中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2014)01-0016-03   Cool thinking in hot phenomena   ——A review of big class break sports activities   LIU Chun-yan1,LI Qing2,TAN Hua3   (1.School of Physical Education,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050016,China;   2.Department of Physical Education,Shenzhen New Asian School,Shenzhen 518000,China;   3.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China)   Abstract: The authors reviewed big class break sports activities from the perspectives of theory and practice. Big class break sports activities are “class break activities”, should base its primary goal on promoting students’ willingness to participate and adjust their body and mind rather than enhancing their physical quality. We must overcome the tendency of making big class break sports activities larger, more luxury, more performance like and formalistic, practically enhance the effectiveness of big class break sports activities, adopt more simple and practical forms of activity. The authors put forward the following suggestions: cancel the designation and practice of “big class break sports activity” that is lacking in scientific criteria theoretically and becoming more and more hollow in reality; do not force students to do more and more gingerbread big class break sports activities after the second class every morning; return to such two concisely clear designations and practically feasible forms of school physical education activity as “class break exercise” and “extracurricular sports activity”; gradually implement 5 physical education classes every week at elementary school and junior high school stages when


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