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PAGE - PAGE 4 - 学校代码: 学 号: 中图法分类号: 试卷自动批改系统的设计与实现 学科专业: 作者姓名: 指导教师: 答辩日期: PAGE I 摘要 随着网络技术的发展,信息化水平的不断提高,高等院校也开始利用计算机技术,改变了传统的教学方式和考试手段。考试自动化是目前各大高校非常关注的领域,特别是最近几年,试卷自动化批改系统也逐渐应用于各大学校。考试是学校每学期的常规工作,对于考试的组织,校方每年都要投入大量的人力物力,并且效率还不是很高。因此,利用计算机程序语言对试卷自动化批改系统进行设计与实现,在教育领域具有重要的实际意义。 Windows下程序设计语言多种多样,其中C/C++就是进行Windows程序开发的有利工具之一。本文以提高学校教务管理工作效率为目标,在已有的考试系统上进行研究与分析,最后深入了解了高等院校考试流程中的相关需求,采用C/C++语言,结合MySql数据库技术,对Windows API进行了深入的研究与分析。最终设计了一套试卷自动批改系统对考试进行自动评分。 关键词 信息化;考试;C/C++;数据库 PAGE II Abstract With the development of network technology, informationization level unceasing enhancement, colleges and universities also started to use computer technology, changed the traditional way of teaching and examination methods. Test automation is one of the colleges and universities are very concerned about the field, especially in recent years, the paper corrects automation system has been applied to each big school. Examination is the regular work of school each semester, for a test organization, the school every year to spend a lot of manpower material resources, and the efficiency is not high. As a result, examination paper automatic correcting system to make use of computer programming language design and implementation, in the field of education has important practical significance. Under Windows programming language are diverse, including C/C + + is one of the useful tool for Windows application development. This paper in order to improve the school educational administration management efficiency as the goal, the research and analysis on the existing examination system, and finally understand the relevant requirements in the test process of colleges and universities, using C/C + + language, combined with the MySql database technology, to the Windows API makes a deep research and analysis. Final design a set of test paper automatic grading system for automatic grading test. Keywords  Informatization; The test; C/C + +;The database -


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