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2000, 18( 1) : 4955 J ournal of Wuha n Botanica l Resear ch 顾 姻 李维林 王传永 於 虹 施宗明 彭隆金 ( 210014) ( 650204) 1 5 6 5 , 107 45 , 30 16 , 4 28 10 , 58 26 5 , (R ubus ellip ticus var . obcord atus) , , , INVESTIGATION ON WILD R UBUS RESOURCES IN YUNNAN PROVINCE Gu YinLi WeilinWang Chuany ngYu H ng Shi Z ngmingPeng L ngjin ( Institute of B otany , Jiang su P rov ince and Th e ( K unming I nstitute of Botany , Th e Chinese Chinese A cademy of S ciencesNanjing210014) A cademy of S ciencesKu nming650204) Abstract Field expediti ns f Rubus res urces w ere carried ut in Yunnan Pr vince fr m 1996 t 1997. One new species, 5 new varieties and 6 species, 5 varieties f new dist ributi n have been f und in the . , 107 w ild Acc rding t ur c llecti ns and the inf rmati n by predecess rs as w ell it is t tally ab ut 45 , 30 16 species and varieties f Rubus f und here am ng them species and varieties endemic t Yunnan , 28 10 . Pr vince species and varieties endemic t SW China It w as als f und that t he R ubus species are m re c ncentrated in the SE and W parts f the pr vince. T he distributi n and diversity f Rubus res urces w ere rep rted and s me valuable germplasms such as Rubus ellip ticus var. obcordatus w ere rec mmanded. Key wordsYunnan, Rubus, Germplasm res urces, Field expedit i n (Rubus L. ) , : 1999-03-02, : 1999-05-28: , 1932 , , ( : 5597- 95) Finan cially supp r ted by the Nati nal Ge grap hic S ciety, USA ,N . 5587- 95. 50



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