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module9 unit1 other countries, other cultures periods 1-2 word study teaching aims and demands: to study words and expressions in this unit. to use the words correctly. teaching important points£o learn the words by heart and try to use them teaching difficult points: how to use the new words to solve problems teaching methods: practice to get the students to master what they've learnt discussion to make every student work in class teaching aids the multimedia the blackboard teaching procedures step 1 explationatons to some useful words and expressions seemingly adv. +adj ±í??é?(?′é?è¥) the seemingly limitless resources of the united states ?à1úμ???o?ê??T?Tμ?×ê?′ they were seemingly unaware of the decision.??????o?2¢2?á??a?a?????¨. i'd prefer to too really back to normal, not seemingly so. ?ò?£í???μ?éíì??ü???y???′?y3££???2???ê?±í??é?óDo?×a?£ 2.abundant adj. ·á?? be abundant in =be rich in=be high in ?ú·???·á?? the country is abundant in natural resources ?a??1ú?òììè?×ê?′·á???£ birds concentrate (in places) where food is abundant?????ˉ?úê3??·áê¢μ?μ?·?. the dictionary is abundant in sunny words, healthy words, happy words ′êμ?o?óD′óá?±í′?à?1??¢???μoíDò?£μ?μ¥′ê?£ ??3.fond adj ?2?? be fond of my brother is fond of pointing out my mistakes. many of us have fond memories of our childhoods. we said a fond farewell to each other (= we said goodbye in a loving way) and promised to write._____________________________ more and more young people are fond ___ playing tennis nowadays. ??????????a. on b. to c. in d. of 4. locate verb??óú£?.?òμ?£?£?μ?????£?è·?¨...μ?μ?μ??ò·??§£?ê1×???óú location (n) be located in/near/on/etc. to be in a particular place: ??óú police are still trying to locate the suspect the hotel is in a lovely location overlooking the lake. 5.short ??D′,?ò3?£?2?×?μ?£?è±·|μ?£?′?2?μ?òa?óμ? in short ?ò?ìμ??μ short for3£ó?beò??e113é?μ±í?á11£?òa?a"ê?μ???D′£¨?ò3?£?"?£ for shortê?1ì?¨′???£?òa?a"?ò3?£???D′"£?3£·??ú?????£ be short of è±·|£??ìè± he



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