《Basic optics and refraction,国外视光学教学原版幻灯》.ppt

《Basic optics and refraction,国外视光学教学原版幻灯》.ppt

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Basic optics and refraction 56-1-78 zrg Basic optics Optics is the properties of light as it is acted on by optical systems Geometric optics: uses line diagrams to depict the behavior of light Wavefront optics: uses principles of waves to describe the behavior of light LIGHT AS WAVES Read p19 nm Light ray: the term used to describe the Radius of the concentr- ic wave forms. A beam of light Important facts to light rays 390nm – 600 nm Cornea absorbs rays shorter than 295nm Lens absorbs rays shorter than 350 nm Phakic eye 600nm – 350nm Aphakic eye 600nm- 295nm VERGENCE VERGENCE All naturally occurring sources of light are divergent Light rays traveling parallel have zero vergence Light rays that focus on a point are convergent The unit of measurement of vergence is the diopter reciprocal BASIC OPTICS Therefore: * The closer the light is to its source, the greater the vergence * The farther the light is from its source, the lower the vergence, approaching zero goes toward infinity BASIC OPTICS Diverging light has negative power (-) Converging light has positive power (+) 光反射图一张 Reflection of light The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incident , all lie in the same plane The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection Such as mirrors and spherical mirror REFRACTION Refraction of light occurs when light passes from one medium to another of different refractive index (ie. density) Laws of refraction The incident and refracted rays are on opposite sides of the normal and all the three are in the same plane Refractive index (n) = sin i/sin r snell’s law Index of Refraction Index of Refraction (n)–measure of speed change of light from traveling through the medium.The ability of a material to bend rays of light is described by the index of refraction (n). Total internal reflection★ When a ray of light travelling from an optically-denser medium to an optically-rarer medium is incident at an angle greater than the


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