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高一英语外研版必修二导学案 Module 3 Music Section 1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 一、学习目标 1、通过自主阅读课文,能够认识课文中的新单词与词汇。 2、通过自主翻译课文,能够掌握课文中重要句型的结构。 3、通过自主阅读课文,能够透彻理解课文内容。 二、使用要求 1、理解课文,借助工具书独立完成导学案。 2、在教师规定时间内,相互交流答案,积极展示成果。 2、书写要认真规范;教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。 预习案 Pre-reading (一)Words:英汉互译 1.听众_____________ 2. 古典音乐__________ 3.作曲家_________ 4.王子_______ 5. 指挥______ 6. 爵士乐_______ 7.音乐家___________ 8.管弦乐队__________ 9.宫廷________ 10 .天才____________11.失去_________ 12.音乐的__________ 13.农民__________14.交响乐__________15.奥地利__________ 16.symphony__________17.talent_______18.tour__________19.continue_________ 20.biography___________21.drum________22.guitar_________23.instrument__________ 24.rock______________25.teenager_______26.successful___________27.voice_________ 28.eastern_______29.concert___________ 30.impressed__________ (二)Phrases:英汉互译 1. 由……组成__________________ 2.超过,多于________________ 3. 作为……而出名_________________4.把……转变成____________________ 5. have a beautiful singing voice________________ 6. move to_________________ 7. a piece of music__________ 8. by the time__________________ 9. be impressed with______________10. have talent for ____________________ Step 1 Fast Reading Read the text on page 22 quickly and answer the following questions . 1. Choose the best title for the passage. A. Three Great Austrian Composers B. Three Great Child Composers C. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth Century 2. From the story of Haydn we may learn that _________ . A. one can become successful even if he was a son of a peasant B. Haydn was the most famous for his beautiful voice C. Haydn was the first to write symphonies D. Haydn spent most of his life in London 3. What did Mozart and Beethoven have in common ? A. Both of their fathers were singers . B. Both of them learned a lot from Haydn . C. Both of them showed musical talent as a young boy . D. They were of the same nationality . 4. Who couldn’t learn music from his father ? A. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart B. Joseph Haydn C. Ludw



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