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重庆大学本科学生毕业设计(论文) 社交网络平台在电子商务中的应用分析 专 业:电子商务 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院 二O一六年六月 Graduation Design(Thesis) of Chongqing University Analysis of the Application of Social Networking Platform in E-commerce Major: Electronic Commerce School of Economics and Business Administration Chongqing University June 2016 摘 要 随着社交网络技术的快速发展,社交网络已成为Web2.0时代最广泛的应用,服务的规模从社交关系管理向资讯信息、综合应用、电子商务等方向拓展。电子商务日益趋同化和几何式增长的信息聚集,使消费者处于信息爆炸的环境,社交网络技术与电子商务融合发展的社交电子商务应运而生。社交电子商务的应用越来越广泛,比如美丽说、什么值得买、Pinterest、由微信、微博、淘宝催生的网红经济、粉丝经济、微商、代购、社群经济等等,社交电商为消费者提供好货精品,优化消费者信息供应链,缩短了购物流程,社交电子商务正在改变着人们的生活方式和娱乐方式。并且,互联网技术的进步和智能终端的普及,消费者不断倾向于网络购物和社交网络,并逐渐向移动端转移,便产生了移动购物和移动社交,而步入碎片化时代和自媒体时代。社交网络成为电子商务的超级入口,社交网络、电子商务和移动端三者相结合的移动社交电商也成为新的潮流。 关键词:社交网络,社交电商,微信微博,网红经济 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of social networking technology, social networks have become the most widely used in the Web2.0 era, The scope of services from social relationship management to information management , integrated applications, e-commerce and other directions of development. Electronic commerce increasingly homogeneous information, prompting consumers to face the information explosion, in this environment, social networking technology and e-commerce integration of the development of social e-commerce came into being. Social e-commerce applications are more and more widely used, such as beauty, what is worth buying, Pinterest, We Chat, micro-blog, Taobao spawned a network of red economy, fans economy, micro business, daigou, social economy and so on. Social e-commerce provides consumers with good goods, shorten the shopping process, It is changing people's way of life and entertainment. And with the popularity of Internet technology and the progress of intelligent terminal, consumers increasingly in online shopping and social networking. And consumers gradually transfer to the mobile terminal, resulting in a mobile shopping and social, and entering the era of fragmentation and the era of the media. Soci


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