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我国逆向物流的发展现状和问题研究 摘 要 逆向物流是一种包含了产品退回物品再利用废弃处理维修和再制造等流程的物流活动。21世纪人类要实现可持续发展一定要繁荣逆向物流,与正向物流一起形成一个完整的经济链条,才能逐步构建循环型经济,人类也才能获得真正的可持续发展。 逆向物流活动的实现需要全民的参与,上至法律法规的决策者,下至产品的消费者。政府在制定法律法规时应注重引导企业加强逆向物流管理,以减少其产品带来的环境污染。消费者在消费时要注重产品的绿色化和环保化,只有消费者的支持,实施逆向物流活动的企业最终才能获得经济效益,才能促进企业加强逆向物流管理。企业在实施逆向物流活动时应加强逆向物流的正向控制,在产制环节就尽可能的减少产品的缺陷,从源头上减少逆向物流发生的可能性。同时,企业应重视逆向物流系统及其网络结构的构建,协调各部门的活动,使流程通畅,从而提高逆向物流效率。 本文首先分析了逆向物流的发展背景和国内外的研究现状,进而论述了逆向物流的概念、分类、特征及其作用,重点阐述了企业实施逆向物流活动的决策过程及如何实施逆向物流管理,探讨了我国逆向物流的发展及其问题所在,并对我国企业如何加强逆向物流管理提出了建议。 关键词:逆向物流,SWOT分析,决策树分析 An research into the present development and problems of reverse logistics in our country Abstract Reverse logistics is a kind of logistics activity consisting of product return, recycling, discarding, repairing and reproducing of commodities. Reverse logistics, providing ecological and economic benefits, is the essential choice of building circular economics. From the microscopic point, reverse logistics plays a dominant and recessive role in enhancing customers value, strengthening the competitive advantages, reducing costs of materials, promoting businesses benefits, improving environments, and shaping images of businesses. From the macroscopic point, reverse logistics is good for the reasonable flowing of social resources, saving sources, improving environment, the sustainable development of economics and so on. In the 21st century, human beings should prosper the reverse logistics and then make a complete economic chain with combination of the forward logistics in order to realize the sustainable development. The realization of reverse logistics needs the participation of all people, including policy-makers of laws and consumers. During the process of making laws, the government should attach importance to guiding businesses how to strengthening the management of reverse logistics so as to decrease the environmental pollutions brought by products. Whiling consuming, consumers should choose green products. Only with the help of consumers



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