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24 8 现代化工 Aug. 2004 2004 8 Modern Chemic l Industry 19 羰基硫脱除技术 李新学 刘迎新 魏雄辉 ( 北京大学化学与分子工程学院应用化学系, 北京100871) : ( COS) H S 2 COS , COS ; COS H S , 2 , Co-Mo- Al O , , 2 3 , , : ; ; ; ; :X701. 3;TQ426. 6 :A : 0253- 4320( 2004) 08- 0019- 04 Technology for carbonyl sulfide removal LI X inx ue, LI U Yingx in, WEI X ionghui ( Dep rtment of Applied Chemistry, College of Chemistry nd Molecul r Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, Chin ) Abstract: The properties nd mech nism nd ch r cteristics of v rious methods for removing c rbonyl sulfide including mines process, hydrogen tion, hydrolysis, ox id tion, etc, were reviewed. Amines process is widely used to bsorb H S nd c r 2 bonyl sulfide( COS) simult neously with the go l to enh nce the bsorb bility of COS. Hydrogen tion process is commonly used in oil refining which is efficient in converting COS to H S with the dis dv nt ge of expensive CoMoAl O c t lyst nd high op 2 2 3 er tion l temper ture. Attention h s been focused on hydrolysis of COS for re sons of low re ction temper ture, less side re ction nd no hydrogen consumption. It is pointed out th t lk nol mine process with the optimized nd seri lized solvent system nd hydrolysis process ccomp nied by the development of novel c t lyst


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