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纯策略同时博弈I:离散策略 Simultaneous-Move Games with Pure Strategies I: Discrete Strategies 第4章 Chapter 04 同时博弈 Simultaneous-Move Games 在博弈中,如果参与者必须在不知道对手如何选择的 情况下行动,该博弈就是同时行动的。 Games are said to have simultaneous moves if players must move without knowledge of what their rival have chosen to do. 参与者恰在同一时间行动; Players choose their actions at exactly the same time; 或者,孤立行动,也就是没有关于其他参与者已经或即将行 动的信息。故又称不完美信息(知识)。 or, in isolation, with no information about what other players have done or will do, i.e., games of imperfect information or imperfect knowledge. Slide 2 同时博弈 Simultaneous-Move Games 例子 Examples: 商业决策 Business decisions 投票选举 Voting in elections 罚点球 Penalty kick Slide 3 策略与行动 Strategies and Actions 策略是行动的一个完整计划。 A strategy is a complete plan of action. 但是,在纯粹的同时博弈中,每个参与者都最多只有 一个机会行动。 But, in a purely simultaneous move game, each player can have at most one opportunity to act. 因此在策略和行动之间没有实质区别。 Therefore there is no real distinction between strategy and action. 只有一个复杂的问题 However, there is only one complication …… Slide 4 混合与纯策略 Mixed and Pure Strategies 策略可以是基于开始界定的基本行动的一个概 率选择。此谓混合策略。 A strategy can be a probabilistic choice from the basic actions initially specified, which is called a mixed strategy. 这些开始界定的基本行动就是纯策略。 These basic actions initially specified are called pure strategies. Slide 5 离散和连续策略 Discrete and Continuous Strategies 在许多博弈中,每个参与者只有有限可数的纯策略可


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