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从DV艺术的发展看艺术向生活的回—试谈DV艺术和生活的审美关系_电视电影论文 从DV艺术的发展看艺术向生活的回—试谈DV艺术和生活的审美关系_电视电影论文 中文提要 从《黑暗中的舞者》获奖,《老头》、《江湖》、《北京弹匠》、《铁路沿线》、《北京风很大》等作品走向国际开始,DV就不再平静了,“一夜之间都成了革命党”①,人人说DV,人人玩DV。DV到底带来的是什么,取代电影的技术手段,粗糙不堪的画面对电影造成的伤害,“影像不能承受DV之轻”②,还是贾樟柯呼吁的“反对歧视DV”③的另一种发展?审美需求,是人的最高需求,DV最后的发展必然是走向艺术的殿堂。艺术的生活化,生活的艺术化,是人类艺术和人类生活的极致,艺术从劳动脱离开始就渴望回归生活,DV在某些特性上表现出来了这一艺术发展的趋势,本文主要就DV客体的生活化,关注的题材从宏观的历史转向日常化的生活图景,民间普通百姓的生活,小人物的命运;DV主体的多元化,越来越多的人拥有自己的影像话语权力和自由,“革命”和“历史”的官方宏大叙事转为坦率的个人化的语言;美来源于人在本质力量对象化过程中反观自身,受众期待在DV作品中看到自己的生活,直观自身,另一方面仅仅生活在其中也不能使他们满足,在欣赏别人的镜头同时也拿起DV,对自我的生活表达,因此从某种意义上说客体、主体及受众在生活中是融合的,DV在走进生活,走近我们,慢慢消解着艺术和生活的壁垒,DV艺术在走向生活,生活在DV镜头中变为艺术,生活,是DV艺术的起点,也是终点。 ABSTRUCT Since《dancer in the dark》obtain awards of Cannes in 2000, and《old man》 ,《Lakes and Rivers》,《 ball craftsman of Beijing》 , 《 heavy wind in Beijing》 DV works move towards world, DV have been no longer calm, and become Revolutionary Party a whole night, Everybody says DV, everybody plays DV. What DV bring to us on earth: it replaces the technological means of film, injury who film leads to the fact coarse picture that cant bear, image cant bear DV light, merchant object to discriminating against DV by Zhang Ke Jia one that call upon, another kind of development? Aesthetic demand is the peoples supreme demand DVs last development must be the art palace. The lifeness of art, life art up, and mankind life send human arts very much, Art wish eagerly to return to life since break away from it, DV show the trends of development at characteristics. This text is mainly on the lifeness of DV object , the daily life view that the subject matter paid close attention to changes direction from history of the macroscopic, The life of ordinary common people , the small potatos destiny The pluralism of DV subject , more and more persons have ones own image words power and freedom, The mighty narration of official side with history of revolution is transferred to a candid individualized language Graceful stems from people and reviews ones


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