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对中国历代儿童游戏及玩具的研究 广州市执信中学 高二(5)班 蔡苑婷 刘露锶 刘梦璇 郑家丽 余雨晴 麦楚瑶 【摘要】 在我国漫长的古代社会中,存在着大量种类齐全、花样繁多的儿童玩具以及游戏活动。但由于中国传统认为“勤有功,戏无益”,因而一般会对儿童游戏存在着否定的观点。而在现代,由于电子技术日新月异,许多传统的游戏及玩具渐渐从儿童的世界中消失,取而代之的是形形色色的电子游戏机,儿童的户外游戏逐渐渐少,传统的中国玩具也因缺少保护而逐渐流失。然而,民间儿童游戏也是传统文化的一个重要组成部分,为了鼓励儿童尽少接触高辐射的电子产品,体会传统玩具与游戏带来的快乐,以及唤醒人们对传统玩具、游戏这类文化遗产的保护,我们的研究小组对中国历代儿童游戏及玩具与当时的生产力进行了整理与对比,图在文化的源起、内涵以及社会生产力发展等方面为儿童游戏及玩具作出比较深入的阐释。同时也可以深切体会到传统玩具对儿童智力、体力的益处。研究小组广泛阅读参考各类民间儿童游戏研究资料,亲身体验一些从古代流传发展至今的传统儿童游戏与玩具,采访长辈,对本论文所考察的传统儿童游戏进行文化的追溯和探析。由此我们可以发现,看似简单幼稚的民间儿童游戏,其实具有丰富深厚的民俗文化蕴含,堪称民俗文化的富矿,而且其对生产力发展的反映也不可小视。 Abstract In the ancient society, there existed a great variety of toys and games for children. However, due to the conventional belief that hard work is more helpful than playing, the attitudes towards toys and games are usually negative. In modern era, traditional toys and games are gradually dying out and being replaced by electronic devices because of the rapid growth of technology and the loss of cultural protection. Our group gathers and analyzes information about toys and games for Chinese children in each dynasty and their relationship with contemporary productivity for the reason that they are fundamental in Chinese culture. We do this in the hope that not only children will stay away from electronic products with high radiation and enjoy themselves with traditional toys and games but also more attention and sense of protection to cultural legacy will be aroused. Our group does the research by broadly reading relevant materials, experiencing some toys and games in person and interviewing seniors. We discovers from all these work that though appear simple and childish, traditional toys and games actually greatly weigh in culture as well as have profound impact on the development of productivity. 关键词 中国传统 儿童游戏及玩具 民俗文化 社会生产力发展 Key words Chinese tradition toys and games for children traditional culture the development of social productivity Abstract Key words 1 引言 我国有许多传统的儿童游戏项目,也有各种各样的儿童玩具。大多玩具


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