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12. 在那边_________ 13.穿着白色衬衫的那个男子 ___________________________ 14.向...借...._________ 15.从...到..._________ 16.开放_________ 17.各种各样的_________ 18.几间教室__________________ 19.住得离...远__________________ 20.步行去上学___________________________ 21.一切顺利,万事如意__________________ 22.向她问好__________________ 9.你怎样到达学校? 10.他乘公交车去上学。 11.你骑自行车去上学。 12.到达学校花费我20分钟。 13.从我家到学校是很长一段路。 14.它什么时候开放? 它从早上8点到下午5点半开放。 15.阅览室只在下午开放。 16.谢谢你的来信。 1.He goes to school on foot every day. He______ ____ school every day. 2.Millie goes home on her bike. Millie_____ her bike______. 3.Simon comes here by bus. Simon____ _____ _____ here. 4.I spend about an hour walking to shcool. ___ ___ ____ about an hour ___ ___ to school. 5.Can you lend me an interesting book? Can I _______ an interesting book____ _____? 6.Millie lives near her school. Millie _______ live___ ____ ____ her school. (6) 对下列划线部分提问: a.He walks home after school. ____ ____ he ____ home after school? b. We go to Shanghai by train. _____ ___ you go to Shanghai? c.The man in a white shirt teaches us English. _____ ____teaches you English? d.It takes me 20 minutes to get to school. —— —— —— it take you to get to school? e.I like biology best. _____ _____ do you like best? f.Its October 9 today. ______ the _____ today? _____ _____ is it today? g.Its 2 p.m. now. ______the_____now ?/____ ____ is it now? (7) 重要的短语或句型结构: a.Thanks for______________(带领我参观)your school. b.Lets ____(meet) at the school gate at 1:30 p.m. c.On the Open Day, parents can come____(watch) our lessons. d.Can you ____with me,Mum? A. going shopping B. to go shopping C. go shopping D.goes shopping e.I like ___(play) with my friends after class. f.Let me____ (tell) you_____(介词)my new shcool. g.I want____ ____ ____ ____(向…问好)him. h.__ ___ _______ (所有的学生)like their teachers because their teachers ___ ___ ____ ____(对他们好). i.____ ____ ____ ____ (很长一段路)from my home to the school, but I____ ____ ____ ____ school.(从不迟到) j.How long does it take her___ _______ _____(练习读


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