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Unit 4 What a Story! Objectives Describe a past event, using the past continuous and simple past Make up a story Discuss advantages and disadvantages of media forms Report and comment on news Warming-up: describe a past event Group work: Form 5 big groups. Each member gives one of the five elements of a story, for example: Who: Brad Pitt When: at noon, on the Christmas Day 2000 Where: on a flying Frisbee What (doing what): playing tennis How: with a toe in the mouth The STORY goes like this: Brad Pitt was playing tennis with a toe in his mouth on a flying Frisbee at noon on the Christmas 2000 … Part 1: Describe a past event Read the ‘Perspective’ stories on Page 22, and retell the stories to your partner using the following sentence patterns: While he was escaping from the bank, the robber.. As Jake was running towards the ball, he … The secretary was making a speech when a protestor … Describe a past event Group work: Form groups of three or four and talk about the happiest / funniest or the most dangerous or terrible/ horrible scene you have ever seen. Describe a past event Pair work: See ‘Word Power’ on P26 and describe a past event you experienced. It can be a coincidence, disaster, emergency, lucky break, misfortune, mystery, predicament, triumph. Pay attention to the tenses you use. Be prepared to report to class Part 2: Make up a story Group Work: See “Discussion From A to B” on P.29. Make up a story with a given beginning and ending, and use both your imagination and logic to tell the middle part of the story. Look at Interchange 4:A Double Ending Make up a surprise story Tell a story about a successful person and include his/her ups and downs in the past. Part 3: Media Pair work: talk about uses of media in daily life Where/how do you get news? How often do you use the news media? Which media (newspapers, TV, and internet) do you like best? Why? What is your favourite newspaper/magazine/website ? Any



