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2018 年 2 月 明 学 院 学 报 Feb. 2018 第 35 卷 第 1 期 JOU RNAL OF SA NMING UNIVERSITY Vol.35 No.1 凿燥蚤院员园援员源园怨愿辕 躁援糟灶猿缘原员圆愿愿辕 扎援圆园员8援园1援园02 中部地区生产者服务业FDI 吸收能力影响因素分析 刘文华 明学院管理学院袁 福建 三明 365004 冤 摘要 生产者服务业FDI 吸收能力受到市场规模分布和政府干预的影响遥 中部地区的检验结果表明袁地区市场规 模分布因素与生产者服务业 FDI 吸收呈现负相关袁 进一步的检验发现生产者服务业 FDI 区位选择存在一个临界点遥 制造业FDI 的规模与生产者服务业FDI 吸收之间呈现显著正相关关系遥 同时袁政府干预程度越高袁生产者服务业FDI 吸收就越低遥 地区金融市场化程度和服务业开放水平也影响生产者服务业FDI 吸收遥 相关的地区需要以创设服务业 发展的政策环境尧培育服务业发展的产业规模基础及提 区内人力资本规模和质量水平来吸收生产者服务业FDI遥 关键词 规模分布曰政府干预曰生产者服务业FDI 中图分类号 F224.0 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1673-4343渊2018冤01-0008-05 The Analysis on the Factors Affecting the FDI Absorptive Capacity of Producer Services in Central China LIU Wenhua (Sc hool of Manage me nt , Sanming Unive rs ity , Sanming 365004 , China) Abstract: The FDI absorptive capacity of producer services is affected by market size distribution and government inter- vention . The test results in the central region show that the factors of regional market size distribution are negatively correlat- ed with the FDI absorption of producer services, and the further test shows that there is a critical point of FDI location selec- tion in producer services. There is a significant positive correlation between the scale of FDI in manufacturing industry and the FDI absorption of producer services. At the same time, the higher the level of government intervention, the lower the ab- sorption of FDI in the producer service industry. The degree of regional financial marketization and the open level of service industry also affect the FDI absorption of producer services. Therefore, the related areas need to absorb producer services FDI by cre



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