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临八医学英语课文语言点整理 Week 1: Unit 9 Reading A Para. 1 low-back pain 腰背痛、成人腰痛 the catalogue of life’s certainties 一个人一生中有些事情是确定无疑的。 experience low-back pain 患腰背痛 看内科 physiacal office visits work disability 丧失工作能力 reserve cell 储备细胞 cell renewal 细胞更新 cell population 细胞群体 cell of the same lineage同一谱系的细胞 the annual combined cost 每年的费用加起来 disability compensation 残疾补贴 评(论)注(释)性状语 :clearly = it is clear that … non-lethal [‘li:W?l] adj 非致命的 medical condition 疾病,病症 prevalence ['prev?l?ns] n.流行 the prevalence of back pain 腰背痛发病率很高 患病率(prevalence rate):也称现患率。指某特定时间内总人口中某病新旧病例所占比例。 发病率(incidence rate): 表示在一定期间内,一定人群中某病新病例出现的频率。 lingering [‘liNg?riN] adj.延迟的, 逗留不去的 the lingering mystery 这个谜一样的东西一直存在,挥之不去 美文赏析(beautiful English) 腰背痛是看内科、住医院、做手术和丧失工作能力的主要原因。 Low-back pain is a leading reason for physician visits,for hospitalization and surgery,and for work disability. Para. 2 With less heavy labor 重体力劳动越来越少 diagnostic [daiEg‘nRstik] adj.诊断的 spine [spain] n.脊骨 Work disability has risen.丧失工作能力的情况增加了。 faint-praise 轻微的赞扬 Over-praise is certainly sometimes even more damning than faint praise. 字面翻译:过分的赞扬要比轻微的赞扬更可恨。 翻译:颂扬过了头,有时要比微有此意更可恨。 damn with faint praise. 名褒实贬 damn [’d?m] v.诅咒 at best - 至多;充其量 比较:at one‘s best - 处在最佳状态 have a limited understanding of sth. 对…认识有限,对…理解不够=do not understand … well enough medicine’s reliance on outdated ideas 医学依赖一些陈旧的想法 weak evidence 证据不充分 physical inferences 生理推论 case report 病例报告 clinical findings临床表现;临床特征;临床症状 rigorous [‘rig?r?s] adj.严格的 trial实验 临床对照试验 Controlled Clinical Trials Para. 3 substantially [sEb’st?nF(E)li] adv.充分地 prognosis [prRg‘n?usis] n.预后(a prediction of the course of a disease) hold true v.适用, 有效(remain valid, applicable or unchanged) a minority of 少量的=a small number of miss work v. 误工=fail to attend or perform work leave work 停工,休假 at a given time 在特定时间 work force n. 劳动人口, 劳动力 chronically adv.慢性地, 长期地 (…病)预后良好 The prospects (for…) are quite good. recurrence [ri‘k∧r?ns] n.复发 tend to do sth =have a tendency toward


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