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PAGE \* MERGEFORMATIV 多功能台灯设计 [摘要] 随着能源的日益缺乏,节能技术快速发展,涌现出许多新型节能设备,其中LED占领了最大的市场份额。小到一个灯泡,大到数百平米的显示屏,都能看到LED的身影。LED具有耗能低、发热小、使用寿命长等特点。在生活中台灯随处可见,但传统的台灯普遍功能单一。本文从节能、智能调节等角度设计。 该多功能台灯是基于STC89C52RC单片机控制,集多种功能于一身。该台灯具备以下功能:能手动调光或者根据环境光自动调整;人到灯亮,人走灯灭;能感应与书本的距离,调整灯亮并在数码屏上提示用户注意台灯与书本的距离;报时;检测温度。硬件设计包含以下模块:STC89C52RC单片机控制;按键模块调整工作模式和LED的亮度;12个草帽型白光LED照明;光敏电阻采集信号,经ADC0832实现光敏信号的模数转换,并利用PWM调光技术对LED进行光度的自动调节;液晶屏显示;红外感应采用避障传感器、HC-SR04超声波传感器测距、DS1302时钟芯片等多个模块。采用单片机C语言编程进行单片机程序设计,综合实现了全部控制和显示功能。该设计可以在判断用户的位置自动进行灯的亮度调节,达到节能的目的,并汇集温度和时钟等功能于一身。 [关键词] 单片机 LED 台灯 手动\自动调节 测距功能 The intelligent LED desk lamp design based on single chip microcomputer [Abstract]With the lack of energy, energy saving technology has developed rapidly, and many new energy saving devices have emerged, among which LED has occupied the largest market share. Small to a light bulb, large to hundreds of square meters of the display, can see the figure of LED. LED has the characteristics of low energy consumption, low heat generation, long service life, etc.. In daily life, the desk lamp can be seen everywhere, but the traditional desk lamp universal function is single. In this paper, from the angle of energy saving, intelligent regulation, etc.. The LED intelligent desk lamp is based on STC89C52RC MCU control, set a variety of functions in one. The desk lamp has following functions: manual dimming or according to the ambient light automatic adjustment; people to light, people walk lamp; induction and the book of distance and adjusting lamp light and on the digital screen prompts the user to pay attention to the distance table with books; newspapers; temperature detection. Hardware design includes the following modules: stc89c52rc MCU control; automatic adjustment of the key module to adjust the working mode and the LED brightness; 8 a straw hat type white LED lighting; photosensitive resistance signal acquisition, the ADC0832 achieve photosensitive signal analog to digital conversion, and the PWM dimming



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