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麻黄 桂枝 Ephedra Herb Cassia Twig Promote sweating Induce perspiration 细辛 苏叶 Manchurian Wildginger Perilla Leaf Relieve nasal obstruction Regulate the stomach function 荆芥 防风 Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root Disperse wind Expel the wind 羌活 藁本 Incised Notopterygium Rhizome or Root Chinese Lovage Eliminate dampness Relieve pain 白芷 苍耳子 Dahurian Angelica Root Siberian Cocklebur Fruit Relieve pain Relieve nasal obstruction 辛夷 香薷 Biond Magnolia Flower Haichow Elsholtzia Herb Relieve nasal obstruction Dissipate damp 薄荷 大力子 peppermint Great Burdock Achene Dispel wind-heat Soothe sore throat 蝉蜕 葛根 Cicada Slough Kudzuvine Root Promote eruptions Relieve fever 柴胡 升麻 Chinese Thorowax Root Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome Soothe the liver Remove toxic-heat 桑叶 菊花 Mulberry Leaf Chrysanthemun Flower Dispel wind-heat Improve eyesight 蔓荆子 石膏 Shrub Chastetree Fruit Gypsum Dispel wind-heat Clear heat and purge fire 知母 栀子 Common Anemarrhena Rhizome Cape Jasmine Fruit Remove heat and purge fire Purge fire and relieve restlessness 夏枯草 天花粉 Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike Snakegourd Root Reduce nodulation Promote the production of body fluids 淡竹叶 决明子 Lophatherum herb Cassia Seed Ease the mind Improve eyesight 密蒙花 黄芩 Pale Butterflybush Flower Baical Skullcap Root Improve eyesight Remove damp-heat 黄连 黄柏 Golden Thread Amur Cork-tree Bark Remove damp-heat Remove damp-heat 龙胆草 苦参 Chinese Gentian Lightyellow Sophora Root Quench the fire of the liver Remove heat and damp 金银花 连翘 Honeysuckle Flower Weeping Forsythia Capsule Remove toxic-heat Remove toxic-heat 蒲公英 紫花地丁 Dandelion Tokyo Violet Herb Remove toxic-heat Remove toxic-heat 野菊花 大青叶 Wild Chrysanthemum Flower Dyers Woad Leaf Remove toxic-heat Remove toxic-heat 板蓝根 鱼腥草 Isatis Root Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb Soothe sore throat Remove toxic-heat 败酱草 土茯苓 Whiteflower Patrinia Herb Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome Remove toxic-heat Remove damp 白花蛇舌草 生地黄 Hedyotic Diffusa Rehmannia Root Clear Heat and Relieve toxicity Reduce heat in blood 玄参


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