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Kids’ box 3教学大纲 目录 Words Key sentences phonics notes Hello Adjective:ole,big,small, fat,new,favourite -My favourite comic’s called “lock and key” -What is(What’s) Suzy doing? -She is(She’s) jumping. -I’ve got……. -She’s got……. -We’ve got work to do. /?/black cat / e/yellow bed / ?/pink fish / ?/orange dog Unit 1 Family words: Aunt,uncle,son,daughter, grandson,granddaughter Action words playing a game,reading playing football,painting taking a photo adjective: straight,curly,fair,funny, quiet,clever,naughty, happy,beautiful job: farmer,doctor, body: beard,moustache -Grandma Star’s taking a photo of her …… -Simon likes/enjoys/ loves riding his bike,but he doesn’t like playing football. -Stella wants to be a doctor. -She enjoys reading about science. -We really love them all. -He needs a towel. -He’s my uncle. -He’s my father’s brother. one syllable: dad,mum two syllables: father,mother three syllables: grandfather grandmother Unit 2 stairs,upstairs,downstairs flat,apartment,balcony basement,lift,floor village,town,city numbers 12-20,20-100 -What’s your address? -Where do you live? -What’s your phone number? -We live in a flat in a big city. -It’s got a balcony and a lift. / e?/air Clare’s hair’s fair / a?/ow The mouse is brown / ??/or The ball’s on the floor Unit 3 daily life: get dressed, get up get undressed, wash put on, take off wake up, go to bed, make the bed have a shower catch the bus, have breakfast/lunch/ supper/dinner seven o’clock Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday,Saturday,Sunday always,sometimes,never every day,on Sunday every Saturday morning -What do you do before/after breakfast/ lunch/dinner/school/ bedtime? -I have a shower/……. -What time does he get dressed/……? -He gets dressed at seven o’clock -What does Jack do on Sunday afternoons? -I always/sometimes/ never ride a bike on Sundays/after school/in the morning. -How often do you read comics? / ?/teacher,driver doctor,farmer brother,sister father,mother Unit 4 words about city:



