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中文 近年來,中国作为当今世界最人的经济体和对外贸易体之一,经济得到快速发展,而人1<币在屮 国与周边国家的贸易中也得到了越来越广泛的应用,这一现实促使人们对人民币国P小结算问题给予了 越來越多的关注。本文首先从国际结算货m理论进行综述,其次从历史经验的角度回顾了主要儿种国 际结算货币的发展史及艽原因,紧接着分析总结了人民币国呩结算的背景、现状及存在的问题,然后 从微观宏观两个方面重点分析人比币国际结算的经济效益,进而得出推进人国际结算的儿点建议, 包括:要逐步建立高效统一的结算清算体系的同时建设好以香港为难地的人民币离庳金融中心以及完 善好外汇管理政策与境内外流通渠道,并且要增强对人跨境流动的监管。 关键词:人民币,W际结算,W际结算货币 Abstract As one of the important economic power and international trading country in the world, China/ s economy has developed in a rapid pace recently. With RMB being accepted and adopted as the currency for settlement in international trade between China and other countries, interest has been increasingly drawn to the issue of international settlement of RMB. This thesis first introduces the theories on currency for international settlement, and presents a review of the development and reasons of several international currencies for settlement from the historical perspective. Then the following chapter introduces the background and present statue of international settlement of RMB and analyzes the existing problems- At last focus has been settled on the microcosmic and macroscopical analyses of the financial benefits of international settlement of RMB in order to offer some suggestions, such as to build a Hong Kong-based offshore financial centers as well as gradually establish an efficient and unified clearing settlement system, to improve the policy of foreign exchange management and abroad distribution channels and to strengthen the supervision of cross-border movement of RMB. Keywords: RMB , international settlement, international currencies for settlement 引言 美网次贷危机引发的全球金融危机爆发以来,以美元为核心的国际货币体系齊遍遭到 质疑,改革之声此起彼伏。减少对美元的依赖,让人民币走出W门并在W际货币体系中占 有一席之地成为我国面对全球复杂金融形势的应时之举。与此同时,屮W经济稳健强劲增 长,人民币保持相对稳定,也为人民币国际结算提供了良好的契机。2009年4月国务院决 定在上海、广州、深圳、东莞和珠海五个城市率先开展试点工作,境外区域范围暂定为港 澳地区和东盟国家。同年7月,中国人民银行会同各部委联合发布了《跨境人民币结算试 点管理办法》,这些配套措施的相应出台也标志着人民币跨境结算正式拉开帷幕。 一、国际结算货币相关理论 国际贸易结算货币选择理论综述 出口商品的差异性、市场地位决定结算货币 美国经济学家MckirmOn(1979)发现在选择何种货币作为国际贸易结算货币中,因为难 以削减国际贸易合同的相关费用,出口商


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