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哈尔滨工业大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 摘 要 水陆两栖快艇,是一种既能在路上行驶,也能在水里行动的两栖交通工具。这种交通工具,具备一般汽车的功能和主要部件,也包含船的功能和主要部件,是一种新型交通工具。 本文主要叙述水陆两栖快艇的机械式设计方案,包括外形的设计,内部传动系统的设计,分动器的设计,轮胎收放的简略设计以及密封设计。本设计中,采用以车为主,附加船体功能的原理。选用马自达6为设计模板进行设计与改造。首先,介绍了国内外水陆两栖快艇的发展历程,叙述了选题的原因。然后介绍了本设计选取的主要汽车构架,并根据此设计了整体的外形,并沿用了选取车型的发动机、离合器、变速箱、主减速器以及差速器。在此基础上,计算出水中以及陆地上的形式阻力,并根据阻力选取了适当的螺旋桨。然后设计了内部主要部件的位置,并计算了整体的重心位置。随后设计了分动器,以此实现水陆两栖的控制。然后大略进行了轮胎收放结构以及方向控制的设计。最后,对密封进行了大略的论述。达到了任务所要求的水陆两用的功能以及保证了在陆地上和水中的速度。 关键词: 水陆两栖、交通工具、设计 各位如果需要此设计的全套内容(包括二维图纸、中英文翻译、完整版论文、程序、答辩PPT)可加QQ695939903,如果需要代做也请加上述QQ,代做免费讲解 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 Abstract Amphibious vehicle is a vehicle that not only travel on the land but also on the water.The vehicle is new, because it not only has the fundament and functions of normal cars but also has the fundament and functions of boat. This paper mainly describes the design scheme of mechanical type amphibious vehicle,including the contour design, the design of internal transmission system, sub actuator design, simple design of tire storage and seal design. First of all, introduced the domestic and foreign amphibious speedboat development course, describes the topics of the reason. And then introduces the main vehicle frame of the design, and design the overall shape according to this, and follows the selection models of the engine, clutch, gearbox, the main reducer and differential. On this basis, calculation of water and land in the form of resistance, and the resistance of the proper selection of the propeller. Then the design of the main parts of the internal position, the position of the center of gravity and the calculation of the overall. Then the design of the actuator, so as to realize the amphibious control. Then the design of control and simple structure and the direction of the tire. Finally, the seal of general discussion. KEY WORD: Amphibious,vehicle,design. 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc8380 摘 要 PAGEREF



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