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PAGE 河北理工大学轻工学院毕业论文 PAGE iii 工程教育部 浅谈公路工程路基稳定性 摘 要 近年来,随着我国公路建设步伐的加快,各地高等级公路在设计与施工方面都取得了很大的进步。作为公路主体工程的路基,其综合稳定技术的研究,也取得了新的进展。公路路基综合稳定性及整体强度是路面工程质量的重要保证。公路路基施工过程中的施工不当或者用料不合理对路基的稳定会产生严重的影响,路基在使用过程中极易出现路基沉陷、边坡滑塌等问题。因此对于公路路基稳定性的研究对公路的养护维修费用以及交通运输的正常运行具有重要的意义。研究解决路基不稳定问题,具有极大的经济、技术价值和较好的社会效益。本文针对在公路路基施工过程中影响路基稳定性的主要因素主要包括影响路稳基定性的自然因素;路基填土与压实、路基路面排水、路基防护;不稳定路基的处理以及路基施工质量检查四个方面加以讨论。运用比较研究法、文献资料分析法等对公路路基稳定性技术处理问题进行分析。说明公路施工过程中路基的稳定性对于整个公路施工过程具有重要的意义。 关键词:公路工程;路基;稳定性 Abstract In recent years, all over the highway make a big progress in design and construction. Roadbed as the main works of highway, new progress has been made in the study of comprehensive stability technology. Comprehensive stability and the overall intensity of the roadbed are the important guarantee for the quality of road works. Improper construction or unreasonable use of materials during the roadbed construction will make a serious impact for stability of roadbed. Roadbed collapse and other problems are easily arising during usage. Therefore the research for the stability of roadbed has important significance for highway maintenance costs and the normal operation of transport. Reach and solutions for the instability of roadbed has great value for economic and technology and has better social. In this paper, the construction process in the roadbed that affect the stability of the main factors include the stability of the impact of natural factors roadbed; roadbed filling and compaction, roadbed drainage, embankment protection; Roadbed Diseases; the treatment of unstable roadbed and roadbed construction quality inspection in four areas to be discussed. A Comparative Study of the use of law, literature analysis of embankment on the road to deal with the issue of stability analysis techniques, Highway construction process that the stability of roadbed for the whole process of highway construction is great significance. Key words: highway engineering,subgrade,Stability 前言 公路运输是我国内陆地区主要的运输方式,从1990年以来,公路运输在



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