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摘 要 圆盘给料机是一种使用广泛的连续式容积加料设备,能均匀连续地将物料喂送到下一设备中。其工作原理为圆盘中部有一位于接料仓下口而高度可调的下料套筒,物料从下料套筒和圆盘的间隙中漏散出来,并被刮板从圆盘上刮落下来。它在整个烧结生产工艺流程中是必不可少的,它使混合料具有足够的透气性,以获得较高的生产率。圆盘给料机有不同类型与规格,我设计的题目是“包钢烧结Φ2000封闭式圆盘给料机”,采用单电动机传动方式。具有承载量大;运转平稳可靠;结构简单;容易维修;管理方便;检修周期长等特点。 在这次设计中,我完成了以下工作:设计方案选择与确定;电动机的选择;主要零部件的设计与校核;确定了维修维护方案。 关键词:烧结;圆盘给料机;电动机传动;三级减速器 Abstract The disk feeder machine is one kind of use widespread continuous type volume feeding equipment, it can the uniform and continuity feed the material delivers in the next equipment. Its principle of work has for the disc middle one is located at meets the bunker end opening, and the highly adjustable yummy treats sleeve, the material leaks from the yummy treats sleeve and in disc's gap disperses, and blows by the scraper the material from the disc falls down.In the entire agglutination technique of production flow on is essential, it enables the blend to have the enough permeability, obtains the high productivity. The disc feeding engine has different type and the specification, the topic I design is “Baotou Steel sinteringφ2000 the enclosed disc feeding engine”, adopt the list electrically operated engine drive method. It has characteristics such as the big load-berring capacity; revolution steady reliable; simple structure,easy to service, manages conveniently, overhaul long period and so on. In this design, I have completed the following work: choing and determined the design proposal; chooses the appropriate electric motor; designed and examined the main spare part; determined the appropriate service maintenance plan. Key word: sintering;disk feeder;motor drive;third class reducer 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc328637283" 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc328637283 \h I HYPERLINK \l "_Toc328637284" Abstract PAGEREF _Toc328637284 \h II HYPERLINK \l "_Toc328637285" 第一章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc328637285 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc328637286" 1.1给料机的分类 PAGEREF _Toc328637286 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc32


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