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Φ300研磨机设计 摘 要 研磨是超精密加工中一种重要加工方法,其优点是加工精度高,加工材料范围广。研磨机是用涂上或嵌入磨料的研具对工件表面进行研磨的磨床,是保证研磨加工的重要条件。由于传统研磨存在加工效率低、加工成本高、加工精度和加工 HYPERLINK "/wiki/%E8%B4%A8%E9%87%8F" \o "质量" 质量不稳定等缺点,这使得传统研磨应用受到了一定限制,为了提高研磨加工效率,机械研磨机已经取代了传统的手工研磨。目前国内使用研磨机的种类比较多,研磨机从加工精度上基本分为两种:一种是加工不仅对精度要求较高并对面形精度也有所要求的工件;另外一种是加工只要求表面粗糙度的零件,例如各种材质的机械密封环、 HYPERLINK "javascript:linkredwin('陶瓷片');" \o "陶瓷片" \t "" 陶瓷片、气缸活塞环、油泵叶片轴承端面及硅、锗、石英晶体、石墨、蓝宝石、光学水晶、玻璃、铌酸锂、硬质合金、 HYPERLINK "/wiki/%E4%B8%8D%E9%94%88%E9%92%A2" \o "不锈钢" 不锈钢、粉灰冶金等金属材料的平面研磨。这种研磨机适合加工一些尺寸较小,而且数量较大的零件。 本文主要是合理的分析了研磨机的传动系统和研磨机械原理,本研磨机设计由电动机、减速装置、传动装置、研磨盘组成,根据研磨功率选择了合理的电动机,并设计了减速装置和主要的传动零件及研磨盘主轴。为了使其具有足够的刚度、强度和稳定性,对蜗轮蜗杆减速器上的主要零部件进行了寿命校核,同时还对研磨盘主轴上的主要零部件进行了强度校核。 关键词:平面磨削 研磨 主轴 星型轮系传动 Φ300 Grinding Machine Design Abstract:Grinding is a kind of important ultra-precision processing processing method, its advantage is processing precision is high, wide range of materials. Grinding machine is covered with or embedded with the abrasive research in the surface of the grinding machine, is the guarantee of grinding the important condition. As the traditional grinding existence processing efficiency is low, the manufacturing cost is high, the processing precision and processing quality is not stable shortcomings, this makes the traditional grinding application subject to a certain limit, in order to improve the grinding machining efficiency, mechanical grinding machine have replaced the traditional manual polishing. At present domestic use the types of grinding machine is more, from processing precision grinding machine on basic divided into two kinds: one kind is processing not only to higher accuracy and precision to form across the requirements of the workpiece; Another is only required processing surface roughness of parts, such as all kinds of material mechanical sealing rings, ceramics, cylinder piston ring of blades, oil pump bearing end face and silicon, ge, quartz crystal, graphite, sapphire, optic crystal, glass, lithium niobate, hard alloy, stainle


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