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GBM damaged Nephrin lost 低蛋白血症 大量蛋白尿 高脂血症和脂尿 高度水肿 肾病综合征 Pathology-Clinical feature ? 预 后 差异大,起病和进展隐匿 60% 病例持续蛋白尿 40% 2-20年进展为终末肾 10-30% 有部分或完全蛋白尿缓解 轻微肾小球病变/脂性肾病 光镜下肾小球正常 1-7 岁儿童 Disorders of T-cell 肾病综合症 (三-2)(一) 临床表现及预后 选择性蛋白尿 >90% 对短程激素疗法有效,但其中2/3蛋白尿复发 204 cases 10years follow-up Complete remission 71% Persist proteinuria 10% Chronic renal faliure 2% 膜性增生性肾小球肾炎 C3, IgG C1q, C4 C3 (三-4)(六) 发病机制 Type I 循环免疫复合物 Type II 致密物沉积病 C3Nef (低补体血症) (PAS stain) (Silver stain) (Silver stain) ? NPGN, Type II 临床表现及预后 肾病综合征 起病可为急性肾炎或轻微蛋白尿 预后差,II型更差 60 years 20 years follow-up Complete remission 0 End-stage renal faliure 40% Renal insufficiency 30% Persistent nephrotic syndrome 30% IgA肾病 Berger disease 青年和儿童多见 反复发作的镜下和肉眼血尿 系膜区IgA沉积 (四)(八) 发病机制 Increased production Reduced clearance activation of the alternative complement pathway IgA deposition Linear, characteristic of classic anti-GBM antibody GN Normal glomerulus stained with HE Normal glomerulus stained with PAS how does glomerular damage ensue? 1 Podocyte injury 急性弥漫增生性肾小球肾炎 毛细血管内增生性肾小球肾炎 (链球菌)感染后性肾小球肾炎 (一)(五) Acute post-streptococcal GN 2 weeks later Acute diffuse proliferative GN Normal Acute diffuse proliferative GN EM Immunofluorescence (Ig and complement) 内皮细胞和系膜细胞弥漫性肿胀,增生 Choke off their blood supply 毛细血管损伤 血尿 蛋白尿 高血压 水 肿 肾炎综合征 Pathology-Clinical feature oliguria azotemia GFR↓ ? 预 后 儿童病例多数康复,少数进展为快速进行型GN或慢性肾病 15%-25% 成人病例发展为终末肾 Goodpastures GN, anti IgG Crescentic GN (PAS stain) Oliguria Anuric Azotemia Nephritic syndrome 预 后 肾小球受累少于80%者略好于超过80%者 部分病人血浆置换有效 (Goodpasture syndrome) 膜性肾小球肾炎/膜性肾病 30y-50y好发,缓慢进展 Heymann nephritis (动物模型) Ag in situ Action of C5b-C9 on podocytes 病理变化:GBM弥漫性增厚 足突消失 (三-1)(三) Normal Membranous glomerulopathy (Silver stain) ? Membranous glomerulopathy (EM) Membranous glomerulopathy (EM) Immunofluorescence (Ig and complement) In the lower pole of this kidney is a 1 cm pale yellow abscess. Infections can reach the kidney either


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