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摘 要 我国实行对外开放政策以来,科技翻译工作越来越为人们所认识。对外开放的目的之一就是要与发达国家进行科学技术方面的交流,促进我国社会主义现代化建设。而就此与发达国家进行交流得靠科技翻译。因而本研究的主要对象是使汉英科技翻译译文的质量提高的策略。 本文笔者将首先从科技翻译的特点入手分析科技翻译与文学翻译的异同,以此突出其特别性。再结合科技翻译的现状进行阐述,展示科技翻译存在的困难或问题从而导出提高译文质量的研究策略。在阐述其研究策略的时候加以理论支持,该理论即对传统“等值”观的一个重大突破和翻译理论的重要补充的翻译功能理论。最后举例说明翻译功能理论在汉英科技翻译译文中的体现,从而使读者更好的体味和理解。 关键词:科技英语;翻译译文;策略 ABSTRACT People have had a growing awareness of the translation of sci-tech materials since China’s opening-up policy. One of the aims of the policy is to promote China’s socialist modernization by exchanging advanced science and technology with developed countries. However, introducing science and technology abroad relies on translation. Thus, the main object of this study is the strategies to improve the quality of Chinese-English translation on science and technology. This paper, first starts with the characteristics of sci-tech translation to analyze the similarities and differences between sci-tech translation and literary translation in order to highlight its special nature. Then combine with the current situations of the sci-tech translation to show the difficulties or problems exist in sci-tech translation. I do this to propose the strategies which improve the quality of the translation. And I will explain the strategies by theoretical support. The theory which is a break with the traditional idea of equivalence and an important complement to translation theories, called the functional concept of translation. Finally, give examples to explain the existence of functional concept of translation in the Chinese-English translation on science and technology, so that the reader could appreciate and understand better. Keywords:sci-tech English, translation, strategies Contents TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc231118520 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc231118520 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231118521 2. The characteristics of sci-tech English translation PAGEREF _Toc231118521 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc231118522 2.1 The similarities and differences be


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