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散堆物料体积测量方法研究及其应用软件设计 摘 要 大型不规则散堆物料的体积的准确测量,多年来一直是一个技术难题。以火电厂为例,长期以来国内普遍采用人工盘煤的方法测量煤场的储煤量,由于人工盘煤整形不是十分精确,水平面是倾斜的,煤堆的各面凹凸不平,采用直尺测量容易造成与实际存煤量的偏差,直接影响发供电煤耗的准确计算。针对这种情况本课题使用超声波扫描法将观测对象沿一边方向分成若干段单元,利用超声波通过不同介质具有不同反射的特性,对每段单元的每个断面进行扫描,分析计算断面的扫描面积,从而求出整个观测对象体积。本文主要研究这种测量方法测量堆积物料体积的具体实现,包括数据采集、数据处理、可视化图像重建和最后体积计算等内容,在此基础上进行完善的应用系统设计,完成了散堆物料的体积测量的数据采集过程的模拟实现、数据传输、体积计算分析、可视化图像重建。系统所用的技术可以直接用于真实的计算机测量应用系统开发上面。 本课题主要使用Microsoft Visual Basic.NET 2005窗体应用程序制作出体积测量系统,使用MATLAB绘制出散堆物料的三维曲面图。软件界面友好,操作简单,计算速度快。 关键词:散堆物料,体积,测量,软件仿真 Research on Large Yard Material Volume Measurement Method and Design of Application Software ABSTRACT Large material volume of irregular accurate measurement, continuously has been for many years is a technical problem. For example, with long power widely used artificially dish of domestic coal ways to measure the amount of coal reservoir, due to artificially equipment inventory of coal is not very precise, coal plastic is inclined plane, all the surface of coal is uneven, and is caused by actual ruler measurement easy deposit quantity of coal gas, directly affecting deviation of coal consumption accurate calculation. In view of this situation ,this topic using ultrasonic scanning method is the observation object divided into many along the side direction, using ultrasonic through paragraph unit with different reflection understand medium characteristics of each section each segment of unit scanning, analysis and calculation of the scanning area, thus section out the whole observation object volume. This subject mainly studies the measuring method of measuring accumulation material volume concrete realization, including data acquisition, data processing, visual image reconstruction and final volume calculations, etc. On this basis for perfect application system design, completed the volume of the materials measurement of data collection process simulation implementation, data transmission, volume calculation and analysis, and visualization image reconstr



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