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PAGE 精品 精品 毕 业 论 文 学生姓名: 学 号: 系别班级: 专业(方向): 金融学 题 目: 我国基准利率的选择和培育 指导者: (副编审) 评阅者: (编辑) (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2011 年 5月 8 日 毕业论文中文摘要 我国基准利率的选择和培育 摘要:随着全球经济的日益发展,我国的经济得到快速发展,综合国力已跃居世界前列。伴随着国内经济力量的不断增长,我国的金融体制改革还需要继续深化。在当前的利率市场化的改革当中,中国人民银行不断放松对利率的管制,基准利率作为货币政策的主要传导媒介,人民银行需要通过各种间接调控手段去影响或控制它。基准利率是连接中央银行与微观经济主体和金融市场行为的纽带,所以,推行利率全面市场化改革成功与否的前提在于准确的选取基准利率。根据基准利率的涵义以及应具备特征,结合我国当前的实际情况,上海银行间同业拆借利率适合作为我国现阶段的基准利率,并需要从内部环境和外部环境两方面共同促进其发展完善。 关键词:基准利率; 货币政策;银行同业拆借利率 毕业论文外文摘要 Our benchmark interest rates of selection and cultivation Abstract with the development of global economy, our economy has developed rapidly, and the comprehensive national strength has grown world leader. With the constant growth of domestic economic strength, our financial system reform still need to continue to deepen. In the current interest rate marketization reform, the peoples bank of China of the control of interest rate continuously relax benchmark interest rate as monetary policy, the main transmission media, peoples bank through various means of indirect adjustment needed to influence or control it. Benchmark interest rates is to connect the central bank and micro economic subject and financial market behavior bond, and so, pushing interest rate marketization reform the overall success lies in accurate selection premise benchmark interest rate. This paper studies the connotation and characteristics of benchmark interest rate, and combining the current situation that Shanghai inter-bank demolition put interest rate suits as benchmark interest rate in the present stage of our country, and put forward the internal environment and external environment from two aspects of its development jointly promote perfect recommendations. Keywords:Benc



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