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PAGE 33 中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文) 太阳能技术在原油罐加热 装置应用设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级:自动化 指导教师: 年6月20日 摘 要 论文针对当前采油厂单井储油罐加热系统中常用的大功率电加热棒使用寿命短、能耗大、安全性低等问题,特别是在偏远地区供电不足,而拉线供电又耗费巨大,提出了以太阳能为基础的储油罐加热系统。在解决了电加热棒在油罐加热中易火灾、爆罐等安全隐患的同时,解决了偏远地区供电不足的难题,使用太阳能能源,绿色环保,降低了能耗,一次性投入可长期受益。 整个系统包括原油储油罐、控制系统、太阳能集热装置、太阳能光电部分、保温储水罐、保温层、管路部分等。利用太阳能集热器将太阳能转化为水的热能,经循环管路给原油储油罐内原油加热使其内部原油维持在一个特定的温度范围,当原油储油罐不需要加热时,热能储存在保温水箱内,等需要时再启动循环系统给原油罐内原油加热。 论文针对系统包含的各部分进行了详细的设计计算及选型,对系统的可行性、性价比及合理性进行性了分析和综述归纳。 关键词:太阳能;储油罐;加热系统;光电系统;单片机 ABSTRACT According to the defect of the large electric heating which used commonly in the current oil extraction factory that short life ,high energy consumption ,low safety etc , especially in remote areas,power supply shortage and takes great, this thesis come up with a petroleum storage tank heating system based on solar energy . At the same time with the solution of the potential safety hazard such as flammable gas fire ,explosive tank etc in the electric heating system,solving the remote region blackouts fault, using solar energy ,pollution-free and pro-environment,one time investment benefit long-term. The system includes crude oil tank, the control system, the solar heating device, the solar energy, heat insulation, water containers, pipeline parts etc. Use solar energy collector to heat energy into water, heat crude oil from the circulative pipeline to keep it in a certain temperature range, when oil tanks do not need heated, storage the heat in the water containers ,restart circulatory system to heat the crude oil when needed . For each section of the system contains ,the thesis makes detailed design calculation and selection of, and the feasibility,cost performance and the rationality were analyzed and summarized. Keywords: Solar Energy; Oil Tank; Heating System; Photovoltaic System ; Single-chip Microcontroller 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc18761 第1章 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc18761 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc18849 1.1 国内外储油罐保温加热系统的现状 PAGERE



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