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本科毕业论文 (2012届) 题 目 卧式带锯床液压系统的改进和升级 学 院 机械工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其制动化 班 级学 号学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 2012年5月 摘要 随着现代制造业不断的朝着高效、高精度和经济性的方向发展,锯切作为金属加工的起点,已成为零件加工过程中重要的组成环节。 因为带锯床锯切材料的多样性和特殊性,它的锯切力随机变化幅度大,普遍存在锯切效率低、送料速度慢、送料精度不高的问题。究其原因是液压系统设计不够完善引起的。 为了解决上述问题,本文提出了相应的解决方案。通过流量反馈系统来调定进给力,使进给速度能够随着工件界面的大小和形状的改变随之改变,提高切削速度,解决切削效率低的问题;送料系统由原来的单缓冲改为双缓冲液压系统,既提高了送料速度又避免了前后夹钳的碰撞;在原来的定夹钳上增加微动油缸,使定夹钳变为微动夹钳,避免了材料与夹钳挤压导致送料精度降低的问题。 对改进后的液压系统进行计算分析后,证明改进后的锯切效率提高了经过对原有带锯床液压系统的改进和升级后,带锯床切削效率有了明显提升。送料速度显著加快,送料精度也有了明显提升。 关键词:带锯床;流量反馈;切削效率 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of modem manufacturing industry to high efficiency, high accuracy and economical efficiency ,as a start point of metal-cutting ,saw cutting has become one of the important composition links in the process of parts-processing. cutting ,its cutting force varies within wide limits at random, so that some general problems, such as low cutting velocity, low feeding speed, low feed accuracy are often in existence in the band sawing machine used at present. The problem is result of the hydraulic system. To resolve the problem put forward above, the scheme is come out. It is flow feedback system, by the flow feedback to set feeding cutting. When the section’s size or shape of workpiece being cut varies, the feed speed can adjust itself according. With regard to feed system, use double buffering instead of single buffering. Not only increase the feed speed, but also avoid the strike between the clamps. Increase budge oil cylinder to resolve the problem of extrusioning between materials and clamps. Through to the proportion of flow valves dynamic analysis, prove the theoretically cutting efficiency is improved .And the feeding speed increased obviously, the feeding precision is also improved greatly. Keywords: Band sawing machine;flow feedback;cutting efficiency 目录 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325988288第一章 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3259882891.1 课题研究背景和现状 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc3259882901.2 金属锯切带锯床的应用研究和开发现状 1 HYPE



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