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PAGE 中文摘要 我们制备了多壁碳纳米管修饰电极,采用扫描电镜进行表征,结果表明碳纳米管修饰电极的表面积明显增大,且吸附性也更好。考察了在PH=7.0的磷酸氢二钠-磷酸二氢钠缓冲溶液中沙丁胺醇在该电极上的电化学行为,其氧化峰电位为0.604?V,比裸玻碳电极降低了40mV,且峰电流增加了四倍,表明该电极对沙丁胺醇具有明显的电催化作用。利用循环伏安法进行扫描只有氧化峰反扫则无峰,表明沙丁胺醇在碳纳米管修饰电极表面的电极反应过程不可逆。用方波伏安法研究得峰电流(Ipa)与沙丁胺醇的浓度在1.0×10-4 ~ 8.3×10-6mol/L范围内呈良好的线性关系。利用线性扫描伏安法研究氧化峰电流(Ipa)及氧化峰电位(Epa)与扫描速度(V)的关系,结果表明沙丁胺醇在碳纳米管修饰电极表面的氧化过程受吸附控制。氧化峰电位Epa与PH成线性关系,斜率=0.065,说明参与反应的质子数和电子数相等。 关键词 碳纳米管, 修饰电极, 沙丁胺醇, 电催化。 Study on electrochemical behavior of salbutamol at carbon nanotubes modified electrode ABSTRACT The carbon nanotubes modified electrode (CNTME) has been prepared ,By using scanning electron microscopy, the electrode surface was examined, the results show electrode surface area increases markedly. The electrochemical behaviors of salbutamol is studied in the pH=7.0 Na2HPO4-NaH2PO4 buffer solution .The oxidation peak potential is observed at the potential of 0.604 V, which shift about 40mV negatively, and the peak current increased four times ,Comparing with a bare glassy carbon electrode, the result show the electrocatalytic oxidation of salbutamol was improved greatly at a carbon nanotube modified electrode. Cyclic voltammetry demonstrated that the oxidation of salbutamol is a irreversible electrochemical process. The relationship between the peak current (Ipa) and the concentration of salbutamol is a good linear plot in 10-4 ~ 1.0 × 8.3 × 1 0-6mol/L range. The relationship between the peak current (Ipa) and the peak potential (Epa) and scanning velocity (?) were discussed by employing linear sweep voltammetry .The results showed the oxidation process of salbutamol at carbon nanotubes modified electrode is adsorption-controlled. The peak potential (Epa ) decreased linearly with increasing pH of supporting solution. The results indicate that the electro-oxidation of salbutamol is an one-electron transfer process. Keywords Carbon nanotubes, modified electrode, salbutamol, electrochemical catalysis. 碳纳米管



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