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中文题目:天盛漆业工程施工人员薪酬体系研究 外文题目:RESEARCH OF TIAN SHENG PAINT INDUSTRY ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL SALARY SYSTEM 毕业设计(论文)共 44 页 图纸共 0页 完成日期 2011年11月 答辩日期 2011年11月 摘要 针对目前大多数企业存在的薪酬管理问题,采用调查法、观察法以及经验法,以天盛漆业有限公司为研究背景,分析了天盛漆业有限公司的主营业务、组织结构、发展战略、人力现状、薪酬体系现状、工程施工人员薪酬管理存在的问题及产生这些问题的原因,提出了相应的改进措施,研究结果对我国民营企业的薪酬体系、薪酬管理的实施有指导、借鉴意义。 在对天盛漆业工程施工人员薪酬体系设计的过程当中,主要的研究工作如下: ⑴分析了公司的薪酬体系现状及存在的问题。通过分析可以看出,天盛漆业的人力资源管理体系还不太完善,没有详细的岗位说明书,也没有具体的岗位评价方法。 ⑵设计了新的薪酬体系。根据薪酬体系设计总体思路,加之企业发展战略的引导,针对天盛漆业工程施工人员的作业特点,设计出了一套适合工程施工人员的薪酬体系。 ⑶对工程部各岗位进行评价。根据岗位评估确定了天盛漆业有限公司工程部的各岗位等级量化表,为天盛漆业今后的增岗和岗位定级提供了可靠的依据。 ⑷重新设计薪酬档级。将薪酬档级的划分与胜任力评估相联系,这样,在将员工的薪酬进行档级划分时,更具科学性、合理性。 关键词:薪酬;全面薪酬体系;激励制度 Abstract The salary management problems is existing in the most enterprise,we use the method of the investigation、observation and experience, to Tiansheng paint industry as the research background, we analyzed the paint industry Co., LTDs main business、organization structure、development strategy and human status、salary system status、the engineering construction personnel salary management、existing problem and the reason of the problems, puts forward the improvement measures, the results of the study to Chinas private enterprise salary system、salary management is used for the reference. In the design of paint industry’s salary system research, the main conclusion as follows: ⑴Analysis company salary system present situation and the existing problems. Through the analysis, we can see that Tiansheng paint industry’s human resource management system is not too perfect, no detailed job description, and no specific post evaluation method. ⑵A new salary system is designed. According to compensation system design, in addition to the general idea of the development strategy of the enterprise, we guide to paint industry engineering construction personnel operating features, design a suitable for engineering construction personnel salary system. ⑶The thesis evaluated the engineering position. According to th



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